Peking 1900
Unrest is growing among the chinese fraternities.
When the rebelion arose, a small french detail is sent to protect civilians stuck in an isolated official building.
But soon supplies and ammunitions are running short. It is then decided to rescue those poor souls by sending a german column to relieve the siege and bring them back in safety behind the walls of the iner city.
Here a view of the table at the beginning of the game.

At first all seems quiet, chinese civilians wandering around the town, carrying business as usual ;-)

The german column starts near the bridge just outside the walls. It consists of two squads of infantry supported by a HMG and the famed international gun.

In the opposite corner are the french and civilians, ready to defend themselves till death. (2 squads of french sailors + 1 hero, 1 squad of armed volunteers).

The first chinese player is on the left. He has 2 groups of angry mobs armed with hand to hand weapons, one detail armed with old black powder rifle and a sniper.

The second chinese player has 3 groups of angry mobs armed with hand to hand weapons and one detail armed with old black powder rifle

The chinese agree to go for the french. The germans are only to be slowed down.
Chinese musketeers open fire on the germans, causing the first casualties.
Germans heavy weapons begin to clear the path, both the gun and HMG causing damage on the musketmen ambushed on the nearby roof.

The sniper then try to get the germans officer down but he miss.

Now the chinese are closing by the french, the fire from the sailors remains ineffective.
Pressure on the french entrechment becomes critical.

The germans are trying to push forward, they decide to leave the threat of the chinese musketmen behind them, hoping for their support weapons to take care of it.

But when firing his second shot, the international gun explodes, killing the crew and leaving his fellow infantrymen without cover!

The chinese are now charging the french ‘en masse’ but are repelled wave after wave.
The sailors and the volunteers fight bravely, causing havoc in the chinese ranks.

But soon they regroup in come back, the assault is fierce. The death toll on the chinese increase dramatically when the french only sustain 2 casualties.

The civilians, cheered by their initial succes try to charge a pinned ennemy unit but fall short, leaving them dangerously exposed

On the german side, after driving back a firt charge, one of the squad gets caught between 2 groups of chinese and is routed, leaving 70% of them on the field.

The second squad , still in full strength (the sniper recorded a wonderfull 0 hit out of 5 shots)
Is now on the rear of the reorganising chinese. Disciplined fire demonstrate deadly effective, leaving the chinese with no other option to retreat.
The game went smoothly. We used T&T.
Germans lost half their men when the french/civilians having only 2 casualties while having received most of the chinese attention.
Things could have turend the other way but the chinese were unlucky with their melees, losing all the charges they made, despite a numerical advantage.