Sacramento, California - July 9th. This was the first game of our Second American Civil War campaign. The factions fighting for the Constitutionalist side were the town of Locke's Japanese Militia, the local chapter of Minutemen and a group of Marxists who found it more convenient to fight with the Constitutionalists than the Nationalists. On the Nationalist side were reconnaissance elements of the 11th Cavalry Regiment and the local Citizen's Vigilance Committee. Reports of a Communist sponsored car theft ring and child labor camp operating outside of Monticello, California brought Nationalist forces to investigate. Their orders were to break up the ring by any means necessary and confiscate any stolen vehicles. The Constitutionalists put up a fierce fight but were eventually routed off the field. A small group of young boys that were obviously being held there against their will were rescued and turned over to the local Boys Home. Several of the stolen vehicles were recovered as well.
Setup for the game:
The Constitutionalist forces started with all their units in and around three buildings. The main objective for both forces was the securing of the vehicles. Additional victory points were to be awarded for every vehicle either captured or retained.
The Nationalist forces approached in force from one side of the table. Elements of the 11th Cavalry Regiment consisted of one armored car, a light tank and three units of infantry supported by a light machine gun. The Local Vigilance committee had several large groups of armed civilians, many veterans of the Great War as well as a pair of light howitzers positioned off-table.
The Minutemen fielded several rifle squads, a heavy machine gun and an assault element made up of newsboys trained to throw grenades. The Locke Militia had a rifle squad, supported by a light machine gun and a Crossley armored car.The Marxists had a rifle squad, a heavy machine gun and an armored car.
Photos of the battle:

The Constitutionalist Southern flank. The Minutemen have taken a position in the center.

The Communist force occupying the brewery on the West end of the little town. Nothing brewing here but trouble.

The stolen vehicles.

Communist infantry on the Northern flank.

Here you can see the pitiful conditions the young newsboys were forced to endure. Ten boys were packed into this abandoned outhouse. Packed in so tight they had to sleep standing on one another's shoulders.

The 11th's tank approaches from the West. The Locke militia had taken up a defensive position in the corral by the stable.

The Silver Legion troops advance under fire from the stable.

This was claimed to be a civilian gathering in the brewery. If so it surely must be the cast party for the local stage production of Dr. Zhivago. The Minutemen's Rolls Royce AC can be seen in the background.

Here is the Rolls making a loop around the town to try and flank the 11th's troops. They did quite well too, forcing one of the infantry squads back to the edge of the table before it rallied and inflicting several casualties in the other infantry units on the flank.

Hmm. Something's not right in the stable. This is the Locke Militia's Crosseley AC.

The troops of the 11th push forward supported but machine gun fire from the armored car.

They pushed the Locke militia out of the corral and into the stable. Several rounds of fire were exchanged. At this time the Vigilance Committee's artillery began to fall on the emplaced Constitutionalists.

The tank fires on the brewery building, damaging it a little but not enough to bring it down. The Communists did decide it was probably a good idea to get out of such a large pile of potential slivers.

The Vigilance Committee scores a palpable hit, destroying the shack and killing one of the defenders.

A view of the carnage from the North.

The Locke Militia defending the barn.

The Minutemen's heavy machine gun team performed admirably. Under constant shelling and sniper fire from the Vigilance Committee they continued to keep up a steady barrage of fire at the incoming troops. The toll was high however and out of a crew of six only one escaped unscathed. They also receive the award for most suppression markers held by a unit. This picture was taken just before they received ten more suppression markers from the machine guns firing on them from the armored car. This caused them to make a quick withdrawal. The eldritch idol represents that they are pinned as well.

The tank come abreast of the stable door and fires its machine gun into the Locke Militia.

A the same time the Crosseley was making good its escape. Also here you can see the Newsboy squad of the Minutemen looping around the back of the barn and into the corral to launch a grenade assault on the 11th's rifle squad at the South end of the corral. They were really good boys at heart. They just fell in with the wrong crowd.

Between the Daily Explosive landing right on their front porch and the Rolls' machine it was just too much for a good man to stand and the rifle squad made for the safety of the woods to the South. They didn't rally until they were almost off the table.

The final line of defense. The Communists rake the Nationalists with machine gun fire. Unfortunately for them the Silver Legion troops of the 11th routed the Locke militia out of the stable and started shooting at the Russians from behind with a BAR. The Russians beat a hasty retreat.
This was a good first game and a pretty decisive Nationalist victory. As always we found a few things in the rules we need to tune up to satisfy the way we like to play but all in all I think every one had a good time. Big thanks to Leadfool, Black Cavalier, Alfrik and Mike B. for making a campaign at all possible with their support. We hope that as the campaign advances we'll pull in some fresh faces to the group.