dijit/Conquistador: Absolutely! The images represented here, The Dwarf SWAT Team, Halfling Inflitrators, and Elvish Yakuza, are some of the premade Slummer Factions that represent groups in the CyberSlums World. There will be a creation system for a Slummer Crew as well, a rag-tag group of Warriors, Wizards, Computer hackers, and Gangers hired by rival Corporations. The current plan is to have Archetypes that are purchased, you then choose the race of that model which will modify the base stat line, then purchase their equipment. Feasibly you could have a Slummer Crew consisting of an Ogre Enforcer, an Elf Ganger on a bike, an Orc CyberKnight, and a Halfling Sniper for support. Throw in L33t, a computer hacker who can control security systems and sentry guns across the Slums, and you have a well-rounded Slummer Crew.
The Factions however would allow someone to pick up a few models and have a force that is on par with any of the other Factions or a basic starting Slummer Crew.
There will be a Campaign system as well to allow for advancement of models and acquisition of territory.