I know, that on cards a font of the various size. I have not absolutely finished work with them. There is no time. Can be later. You can correct figures, it is not difficult.
To tachankas the turn is not has reached.
Basmachi I make anew, I use details from the previous figures only a little. If it is interesting, I can lay out a photo in the course of work. Figures, in my opinion, turn out more interestingly previous. Work moves ahead slowly, but it is my first experience of creation of horse figures. And in general is only the second series of figures, after red crew which I mould itself. But experience collects, following works will be faster made. Besides I involve other sculptors for work on figures.
Now series of figures become: horse Basmachi - 12 pieces; the Soviet infantry 1941 - 6 pieces; I hope, a series of the Polish infantrymen on the Soviet-Polish war of 1920 - 15 figures will be soon ordered.
Here a photo of the Soviet infantry in process: