OK, I have finally dug out my copy of [b"Tanks of the World 1915-1945" by Peter Chamberlain and Chris Ellis.
It says
"This was an experimental vehicle built by Cunningham during 1928 to an Ordinance Department design for a One-Man Tank. It was also used to test a special type of flexible tack made of band saw steel. Each track consisted of two steel bands 4 1/2 inch wide, lined with commercial belting. These were clipped together by steel grousers that also acted a track guides. 1.5 tons; crew 1; 1 MG; armour 5-9mm; engine Ford Moedl A, 4 cylinder 42hp, water cooled; 19.5mph; 8ft8inches x 4ft 9inchesx5ft 1 1/2 inches."
This book is great for info on all the between the wars experimental and limited production tanks for most of the world.