Froggy, your minis are just right! Great job!
I sorta copied them...
Here's my WIP test figure. His goggles obviously need work. I'm debating between a bright green vs. grayish. Still not sure. That off-white line is not quite even where it leads into the goggles - looks really obvious in the photo.
I'd love some C&C for this guy! I'd like to get the paint scheme down cold before I apply it to the five other guys.
I know that the goggles and strap for goggles need work.
I'm considering underpainting the white areas with black so that they have some more depth and differentiation from the blue pads they are on.
Does the white need further lightening? I used Dheneb Stone and I like it but perhaps it's too dark? Lacks depth?
Does that last highlighting leave the mini too chalky?
I'd love all of your C&C.