Here are some picts from our last fictional napoleonic game scenario within our periodical THS meetings:
The Figures are most from Calpe, Perrys, Victrix, Warlord Games etc. and from several members of our team.
We use the Black Powder Rules from Warlord Games and have so much fun with it - enjoy:
The Westfalians starts her artillery cannonade.
(All artillery figures are my own conversions from Perry and Victrix plastics, except the guns)
Toward the enemy. Westphalian troops with light infantry as skirmish screen at their front.
The prussian positions at the village called "Bärnbach".
Pommersche Landwehr.
Silesian Landwehr and prussian reserve troops; Freiwillige Jäger as skirmshers at the front.
The prussian left wing protected by poor silesian Militia.
The french cavalry arrives the battlefield.
SURPRISE ... SURPRISE ... a light cavalry brigade charge the french-westfalian right flank.
The charge stops the french-westphalian ... but only FOR THIS GAME ...