Well, I went to Waylands forge (Birmingham) today, and found a simple 'cheapass games' style card game called 'Orcs in the Hood'. Naturally, with me liking alternative fantasy, I picked it up (for a quid!).
Interesting really, bloody simple card game, a little bit naff... However, the concept could go somewhere.
The card game only features the orcs and the Humans. I'd like to add Dwarves, Elves and possibly Kobolds. However, the Kobolds are only mentioned as a source of food, perhaps this could be the 'coke' of the game in a scarface sort of perspective!
Anyway, all this rambling is about me wanting to make it into a miniatures game.
Let's see.
Humans are easy, just get THUGZ from Em4 Miniatures:
http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/Thugz.html and replace the guns with Swords and/or Bows.
For the Orcs, I'd use these:
http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/pack.php?pack=2018The Elves would be these:
http://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/images/gn10.jpgBut with converted ears and long golden locks... The guns, are magical crossbows, of course.
As for the dwarves, I don't know, but I think they would be cool too.
The Kobolds would be something the gangs would fight over!
Needs a bit of thought, but it was a spur of the moment, moment of madness!!!
Oh and there are 5 basic classes of individual, but I forget what they all are!!!