Are these recommended? I have a huge collection of Micromachines waiting for some rules.
Most Micromachines are size-wise between a Firestorm cruiser and frigate, so they fit quite well, but I think some bigger ships from other companies are worth a buy (for battleships e.g.). The klingon ones are even quite detailed, so I can recommend them. It's a shame that the Micromachines on ebay are pricier than the big japanese toy ships I also use.
I'm hoping the Whizkids ST stuff will be in scale within the range, then I just need a good set of rules so I will look up Firestorm!
I read about the Wizkids stuff some weeks after I invested all that money in the Klingons
I also hope that the ships are as large as the Star Wars ones and are scaled consistently. Then I can finally use a Negh'Var
Tell us more about the Firestorm Armada rules... Does it play fast? Easy game? How long did it take to play your game?
They are, as said, action oriented, so one shouldn't expect a spaceship simulation. In turn 2-4 normally both fleets meet (in optimum firing range) and the game becomes pretty intense and bloody, in turn 5 both fleets are reduced to some crippled ships trying to survive. This most of the time makes a fun game.
There are some fleets that are bad matchups, that make a less interesting game, but those are few.
I would say it is easy to learn and doesn't get boring, even just playing simple "kill the other fleet" scenarios. A game takes about 2,5h and more depending on the experience of the Fleet Admirals.
I think a 10 year old could handle the rules quite well, although there is always some math involved calculating the Attack Dice (it's even educational