More possibilities:
How about this classic Grenadier, available from Mirliton (the prof with lantern) - just carve off the lantern hand and replace with a pointed fingered hand:
NM022 Intrepid Detectives, it would be nice if someone put out a fat man is summer suit, string tie, and straw hat. Preferably with a mason jar in one hand and a raised bible in the other.
Take the middle figure in the following set, replace the Maltese falcon with that mason jar, shorten the tie and split it for that shoestring. Mold on a book to replace the pocket bulge of the other hand. Give him a nice straw topper if you want to. Then again, it wouldn't be difficult to carve off the whole tie to create a preacher's collar if you wanted that instead. I rather think the whole look would be rather Amish-looking with that mason jar, but Amish aren't likely to be porky. I'd probably use a donation box instead:
NM025 Vile Villains you plan to hack up your Grenadiers, think twice, unless they're Mirliton casts. The old Grenadiers are worth more.
My idea of a Bible-thumping evangelist is more to the lanky build. They've too much energy to stay chubby.
My second favorite Bible-thumper is the first fellow in RAFM's set, but he's not very southern Baptist looking (my favorite still being the aforementioned Reaper 50081 Father Thomas):
2915 Crazed Clergy also has a professor that could fit, but he's not nearly ascetic-looking (mind you, he does come in three flavours:
RAF02902 Professor doctor on call in this set might do if you replace the bag with a Bible:
RAF02901 Doctor do like the em4, BCB, and Citadel Gothic Horror figures mentioned already.