Got the game too. Since opening the box I have been systematically replacing the most of the 'monster' minis in the game, apart from the shoggoths (after taking off those ridiculous legs) and the cthonians which I think are the better ones in the set. The scale of a lot of the human figures is totally out of whack, the cultists and maniacs look especially strange at the side of the investigators. The zombies have to be worst of the bunch, they look like happy stoner zombies, sporting a stupid grin on their face and appear to be waving!?!? Almost finished painting all the replacement 'monsters' (to the best of my ability at any rate
). On to the investigators next, which although not great are still amongst the best in the box. If it wasn't for the fact that they match the artwork pretty closely (although sister Mary looks like she has been repeatedly punched in the face) I would have replaced those too.
@ Malebolgia - nice job on those btw. Love the bases (something I still haven't tried my hand at beyond pre-made resin ones). Someone really need to cut the carpets in those creepy old mansions!