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Author Topic: AARs, reviews, opinions/experiences with Future War Commander  (Read 2232 times)

Offline Conquistador

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I use 1/300th AFVs for SF wars (since there are no current 1/600th SF AFVs) and am considering rules and think Future Wars Commander might be a good choice.  Please point me towards information that might help me make a good decision.  Buying must wait until Grand Kids go home near the end of June so it's not a rush decision.


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Offline Vinlander

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Re: AARs, reviews, opinions/experiences with Future War Commander
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2011, 03:29:38 AM »
Hi Glenn,
             I myself quite enjoy FWC. I've actually painted five forces for it (both 15 and 6mm) and am currently working on my 6th  :D  The mechanics are pretty straight forward: the turn breaks down into initiative, command and end phases. In the initiative phase units within initiative distance of an enemy unit can act without orders (recon units also act during this phase). In the command phase units are ordered normally by headquarters units either individually or in groups. Once activated by a command roll a unit may perform actions like moving and shooting. An HQ can order units within its command radius to perform actions as many times as it wishes as long as it passes command rolls. Once a command roll fails, the HQ that issued the command can no longer issue orders for the remainder of the turn. If the overall commander fails then the players turn is over and his opponent begins his turn. During the end phase hits from weapons fire/assault are removed (units refresh every turn), victory conditions checked etc... If you've ever played GW's 'Warmaster' game its basically the same mechanic. The basic unit of measurement is cm in both 15mm and 6mm. Having played in both scales, I haven't noticed any problem with scale and measurement when translating up from 6 to the larger 15. Both work well and are quite asthetically pleasing.

One thing I quite like about the game is the approach the authors took in presenting the army lists. Rather than waste print on fluff and attempting to introduce "factions" the designers instead used ranges of miniatures from existing manufacturers as the basis for the army lists provided in the rulebook. So, if you have an army using HOF figs and your buddy has an army from GZG you can play against each other no problem! The lists also translate seamlessly between scales. If you have some models you want to use but no corresponding list you can always use any  list out of the book you feel best represents them regardless of the scale of the range in question. I believe there is also a link to a downloadable points generator on the Specialist Military Publishing forum so if you  have no list corresponding to your models (or just want to try something different) you can point up your own.

I think I've begun to ramble so I'll end now. Hope this helps!  ;)
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Offline Conquistador

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Re: AARs, reviews, opinions/experiences with Future War Commander
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 05:47:54 PM »
Finally made it back on to LAF!

Yes, extremely helpful!

Muchas Gracias,


Offline steders

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Re: AARs, reviews, opinions/experiences with Future War Commander
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 10:58:19 AM »
I play Blitz, Cold War and Future commander and they all give good games. I think the only problem with Future war commander is it feels very generic. I think you need to put some thought into the background you are using and play scenarios rather than point games.
Why not try GW epic? They are free

Offline Conquistador

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Re: AARs, reviews, opinions/experiences with Future War Commander
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2011, 12:29:03 PM »
Sorry but I have avoided as a matter of choice/practice (until  bought Lizardmen for Venus/VSF gaming) buying rules or miniatures for anything GW because of their dystopic psuedo-Gothic nihilistic setting, their style/game mechanics of/for rules, rules revisionist practices, what I perceive as poor (a value judgment based on my dislike of cartoons in lead) sculpting, and cost.  I have managed for 60 of my 61 years to game without GW (and Ebay prices (the real value of the figures IMO)  are the only reason I have the lizardmen,) and think it would be inappropriate for me to start down that road now.  I don't hate them (before someone says that) I just don't value their miniatures/rules/company.

I read the AARs but have no desire to play the game.




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