hmm ... ever heard of BrikWars?
If not, it is worth looking - at least reading the intro for the game
general page for the rules ... just browse through the icons above!
From the website
A Magikal Wonderland
BrikWars is a marvelous Pandora's box, an endless fount of destruction and mayhem, where every coincidence falls in favor of maximum violence, where life is cheap, plastic, boxy, and bears only the most superficial resemblance to our world of flesh and mortgages. Time is marked from moment to moment by oscillating peaks of melodrama and troughs of sheer ridiculousness. Rules of continuity and physics are as malleable as any of us in the 'real' world have learned to expect from a lifetime of superhero comics, schlocky action movies, and public education -- and they're always trumped by the dramatic requirements of the moment and the most liberal application of Murphy's Law. Even the rules governing BrikWars itself are unresistingly overturned by a haphazard shrugging of shoulders and the players' mutual whim. Spelling is consistently poor.
best wishes
the best excuse, ever, to dig these little fellows out again!