Hi guys, I posted this request/offer in the Open Talk forum, but it struck me that it was probably too hidden away there...
I've got a yen to do some reviews of minis and games, most notably because I've just got my first minis in a new line (Smog 1888) and the accompanying board game, and I thought it might be helpful to others to record and photograph my experiences in purchasing, assembling, painting and playing with them. A proper 'unboxing' review from start to finish.
Thing is, it's really hard to get an established miniatures blog, and I don't really have the time to maintain one. Does anyone on LAF have a miniatures blog and would like some free content? I'm a professional writer/ editor with photography experience, and a pretty good modeller, so the contributions will be of good quality - they'll just be a bit sporadic due to work/life demands :-)
If anyone wants to play host, the offer of content is there. Many thanks in advance.