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Author Topic: Questions about Strange Aeons  (Read 1744 times)

Offline Kamiya

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Questions about Strange Aeons
« on: July 13, 2011, 04:21:37 AM »

I just got the Strange Aeons rulebook and like to say that it is a great game, very entertaining. I have some questions though about rules that I cant understand. I tried to search and have browsed through this forum to find answers but havent found any answers.

1."If the total exceeds the Constitution of the target, you should add +1 for every point past the models last Wound to the roll on the Injury Table."
If I am able to wound a target and my wound roll exceeds the constitution of the target, am I then able to inflict multiple wounds on the opponent for every point that exceeds his constitution?
Or are you only able to inflict 1 wound each time no matter how high your damage roll is and you add the exceed to the Injury Table AFTER the last wound has been taken?

2. On the master weapons table, under the "Damage" chart, 1D, 1D+1 1D+2 etc.. What does the 1D mean? 1D means no damage bonus and 1D+1 means 1+ to damage bonus?

3. When you buy expendable weapons such as a dynamite, are you able to buy more than 1x for each agent?

4. Considering that you can only roll as high as 6 when making a damage roll, plus adding damage bonus from weapons, does this mean that the only weapon in the core game that can wound Constitution 9/11 monsters like the Godling is the dynamite? The machine gun is +3 and could potentially wound Con 9 monsters but it doesn't have any AP..

Finally.. is there a FAQ somewhere that I have missed?

Thank you very much!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 04:27:10 AM by Kamiya »

Offline LidlessEye

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Re: Questions about Strange Aeons
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 05:15:10 AM »
1."If the total exceeds the Constitution of the target, you should add +1 for every point past the models last Wound to the roll on the Injury Table."
If I am able to wound a target and my wound roll exceeds the constitution of the target, am I then able to inflict multiple wounds on the opponent for every point that exceeds his constitution?
Or are you only able to inflict 1 wound each time no matter how high your damage roll is and you add the exceed to the Injury Table AFTER the last wound has been taken?

A single hit can inflict multiple wounds.  For example, on a 'to wound' roll of 9:
- a CON 7 model with one wound loses that wound (7), and suffers an injury roll at a +2 modifier due to the outstanding damage (8,9)
- a CON 8 model with two wounds is reduced to zero wounds (8,9), and suffers an unmodified injury roll
- a CON 9 model with three wounds suffers one wound (9), and no injury roll as it still has two wounds remaining

2. On the master weapons table, under the "Damage" chart, 1D, 1D+1 1D+2 etc.. What does the 1D mean? 1D means no damage bonus and 1D+1 means 1+ to damage bonus?

1D means 1D6 is rolled for damage.  Any +X value is added to the roll.  We may eventually see a 2D weapon, but it hasn't happened yet!

3. When you buy expendable weapons such as a dynamite, are you able to buy more than 1x for each agent?

If you want to spend the extra points, I can't see why not.

4. Considering that you can only roll as high as 6 when making a damage roll, plus adding damage bonus from weapons, does this mean that the only weapon in the core game that can wound Constitution 9/11 monsters like the Godling is the dynamite? The machine gun is +3 and could potentially wound Con 9 monsters but it doesn't have any AP..

By the basic stats, it's difficult to hurt a Godling with conventional weapons without rolling a critical hit.  Certain combinations of skills can make weapons more powerful though.  For example, a model with both the Armour Piercing and Crack Shot skills would shoot a Tommy Gun as a 1D+4, AP1 weapon, which gives at least a chance to hurt a Godling.  There are also a few more powerful experimental weapons in Shocking Tales #1 that can give Threshold operatives a fighting chance, assuming they don't melt or explode of course.

Finally.. is there a FAQ somewhere that I have missed?

Just bumped it to the top of the page for you!

Offline Kamiya

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Re: Questions about Strange Aeons
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 06:09:45 AM »
Wonderful! Quick reply and easy to understand explanation.
Thank you very much.

If you want to spend the extra points, I can't see why not.
Okay, because you don't get infinite ammo if you buy dynamite right? So if I want to use more than one I would have to buy several.

At first I thought that you were only able to inflict one wound, which made me think how hard it would be to kill a Godling and how many dynamites I would have to equip my agents with.
But since you can cause multiple wounds it will be easier to blow up even a Godling with a dynamite or two.

« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 06:14:45 AM by Kamiya »

Offline D@rth J@ymZ

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Re: Questions about Strange Aeons
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 05:33:23 PM »
Okay, because you don't get infinite ammo if you buy dynamite right? So if I want to use more than one I would have to buy several.

Dynamite, like ammo, counts as 'infinite' unless you roll a Critical Fumble (1) at which point you lose the dyanmite and would have to re-equip it (assuming that you survive the fumble).  The "Munitions Expert" skill allows you to survive a Critical Fumble but you still lose the use of the dynamite until re-equipped.

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