I tried the demo game tonight and wrote a short battle report with what occurred. The demo is a smaller game then the regular having only two agents and three lurkers. The rules are very easy to understand and I picked up combat and movement quickly. Command and changing states confused me at first but I believe I worked it out. The way I interpreted it, command is an action, so the person with a command special ability can give an order then make one more action. The person ordered can take two normal actions. Changing states seems complex but during the game it just makes sense; your either stunned or really stunned and before you can do anything useful you have to be un stunned. Anyway here is what occurred.
The Threshold Agents, Frank Howard and Adrian Blackwood:

The Lurkers, Captain Joshua, Olley Hits and his recently deceased cousin Fred.

Thanks for reading

The Lurkers began behind the house, while the Threshold agents began in front besides their car.

The Lurkers won the inititive so Captain Joshua ordered Olley to head around the outside of the building while he followed behind his meat shield.
Frank ordered Adrian to move up and take cover behind a low wall. He joined her.
Next Captain Joshua activated his two minions. The Zombie ( who is incredible slow) continued straight towards Adrian. THe cultist took position by a tree and fired at Adrian, hitting her. The shot was equall to her constitution and she failed the saving throw she got because she was in cover behind the short wall so she took a wound. The roll on the wound chart left her face up. The Captain followed the Zed.

The next several rounds were mostly stationary with the two groups firing at each other. Adrian recovered on her next turn and fired at the approching zombie, she missed. Frank took his shot and took the things head off (Zombie rolled a major wound on the injury chart). The Lurkers both fired again and the cultist left Adrian face down with a nice shot. Frank didn't bother to activate her again and used his two shots to take out the Captain. On the next round the cultist wounded Frank but his two wounds kepted him in the game. He finished off the last cultist.

The last pictures were really bad because it got dark. Anyway the game was fun. I'm going to play again tomorrow with my kids and I'm sure the game will be much bloodier with the knives and meat cleavers coming into play. Here is the cast one last time with the book I am currently reading.