I've had these figures for a while and I seem to take even longer painting now (deteriating eyesight and rheumatism). Speaking to Paul I have somehow been roped into running these figures in a game at Matakishi's Tea Party. I only hope to be playtesting the basic game system, It will be the first time I have used the rules (hope they work

). I only need to paint up about 20-30 more of the figures below to be able to run. Also need to write up the rules and print out and laminate all the playsheets and various cards. Fortunately I bought Silent Invaders brilliant Zombie scenery a while ago which I will be using until I eventually finish mine.
As I have at long last finished the Russians tonight (Promised Paul they would be up on this forum yesterday or tonight, hence the late post) I thought I would post up detail and plans.
The game is of a skirmish level, geared towards multiplayer campaigns a'la Necromunda, with your gangs improving. The object of the game as well as killing each other is to collect artifacts, characters, plot points etc. all improving your gang overtime.
Sorry some of the photo's of unpainted stuff are a bit blurry.
BackgroundAfter a second explosion at Chernobyl rumoured by some of the older more crazed Stalkers to be extraterrestial in origin, the area affected was cordoned off with fences and in some places walls, with the inhabitants trapped inside.
After a few years adventerous individuals started exploring "The Zone" (as the area became known) and came back with strange artifacts, sources of sustainable energy, and other advanced technology. They also reported areas in the Zone where some of our scientific laws were non existant.
As demand for these objects increased, boomtowns sprung up around the edge of the Zone filled with adventurers, Stalkers, Tourists, Army deserters and the dregs of society all Policed by the newly assigned UN Forces.
FactionsRussian Army WarlordsThe many troops left trapped inside the Zone were fortunate in that they had access to fallout shelters, so came through the explosion virtually unscathed, upon returning to the surface and finding themselves trapped within the Zone, many of the soldiers formed into independent groups led by a Warlord, who attempts to govern their small fiefs and expand their area of influence both aggresively and trading in artifacts.
Now to show off my completed figures. These can also be used as regular troops for the KGB.

Their transport, initially will be used as a base point for you to return your artifacts etc. that you are collecting until I expand the rules with vehicle options.
This is a Ki-Tech kit from Ebay for only £10.00 far cheaper than all the resin alternatives, I had to make a false panel to cover the location hole for missile launcher. Still need to tidy up stowage and paint details (lights, periscopes etc.) as well as weathering.

Have this to build to add to forces at later stage.

might possibly add some of the Chechen Russians from Bungle.
StalkersThe explorers, guides and traders in wondrous things, having spent years exploring the zone stalkers are very aware of it's environment and the associated dangers. These guys often work in small gangs working for a particular crime lord or a fence, other's hire there services out independently to UN, KGB or as guides for Tourists and big game hunters looking to kill a few zombies or mutants.

Will be getting this when released for their vehicles
UN forcesAssigned to guard the perimeter of the Zone and to try to stop the trade in artifacts, as well as being quite happy to destroy the artifacts some have also found a little sideline in their illegal trade. These are the best armoured and most technically advanced force in the game (until maybe I introduce Aliens


Their vehicles, may still change the Hummer for a Tamiya version to keep all vehicles 1/48th, even though this Imprint model is a beautiful piece.
KGBThe Russian Government are unhappy about the loss of power to the UN and the KGB are assigned to collect artifacts, and to do what they can to undermine the UN, able to hire Stalkers or Russian Army

Plan to get a couple of Antenociti Zebu Cruisers painted black for their transport.
Zone inhabitantsThese will attack the players activated by event cards. I might also try another little game with these guys being the starting characters as you learn to become a Stalker.
Zombies/mutantsAgain activated by cards, will use initially as basic zombies, but will later add some specialities. Thinking of trying out a rule, "Zombie Truce", because of the fear of infection, all models in line of site of zombies or combatants engaging zombies, can only move toward and attack zombies, until all zombies in this combat are dead, then they can go back to killing each other or exploring.
Characters and TokensWill use these as either characters or tokens as the need arises
Scenery and set dressingI have already painted these (the two bins and sofa made by Silent invader, painted by me)

close up of rural shack

to paint.

awaiting delivery for 3 of these

1 of these

would like to get 1 each of

All buildings will need interiors to explore, provided by bits from Frontline, Ainsty Pardulon and Verlinden
Would also like some buildings/shacks from Pardulon and Ainsty.
The LAM figures are absolutely superb, and I must acknowledge the caster/mouldmakers as the undercuts on some of these figures has to be seen to be believed, truly incredible. My favourite figures by far and easy to paint although a lot of detail.
Well target is set, I need playable forces by 2nd October so will hopefully update regularly.