I recently played a quick game of JDMG on my slowing expanding post apocalyptic town terrain. The game featured the zombie rules from the latest update to the system.

The game played out in a pretty straightforward fashion, but I took a
few photos and wrote up a quick batrep on my blog anyway.
If that sort of thing interests you I also put up
a record of a series of JDMG games played on stand-in modern terrain a while back.
Next up for the Dredd stuff is some Dark Judges and then a pair of Lawmasters. I have a windmill, water tower and most significantly, a Zuzzy mat lined up for the terrain side of things. All moving at a snails pace, but moving nonetheless.
In case anyone is wondering I have decided that I like this system: so far I have found the rules clean and the game to play quickly and to be better than the sum of its parts might suggest. Its the little things.
Its a nicely produced
free download too.