Well I have been bitten by the 28mm bug once again and have decided to collect up a small force of Imperial Guard so I can get some games in.
The only problem is I don't like current plastics and couldn't even afford them if I did! After a bit of rummaging on ebay I found that the old 2nd edition 40k catachans are selling cheaply and look rather nice so I decided to base my force on them.
A little bit more perusing got me thinking that i wouldn't mind theming the force on the Capitol megacorp from Warzone.
I have managed to paint up a test piece in the form of a Junior officer:
I am now slowly starting to amass a selection of miniatures from Warzone, GW and even some Void Veridians as I am more interested in painting miniatures I find interesting than uber powerful! For example I am seriously thinking of using Kryomek walkers instead of Sentinels as I love the miniatures even though they will no doubt end up as bullet magnets (the fact that they are cheaper is handy too!)
Anyhow, I am hoping to add some more pictures of the force as it progresses!
All the best!