It was a very quick game - about 90 minutes. The Ivory Hunters, supported by a unit of trained bearers and veteran muskets tried to force their way across the river and through the jungle to escape with their ill-gotten ivory. The natives defended the crossing with a unit of trained muskets, trained bowmen, and a unit of spearmen hidden in the jungle.
As the hunters approached the river they engaged in a firefight with the native muskets and bow. This continued for about three turns until the spearmen emerged from their hiding place in the jungle, charged the bearers and destroyed them.
The Hero, on the hunters side, made a valiant effort to fight off the natives. He was able to absorb four hits - but when the rest of the hunters were destroyed - victory was awarded to the natives.
In hindsight, the Ivory Hunters spent too much time exchanging fire with the natives. They should have been moving forward every turn.
It was a fast-moving and highly entertaining game. Our group will be playing it again - very soon!
Rich N.