I spent the last weekend at a painting workshop in Hamburg, a rather unique experience I would like to recommend to anyone wo wants to improve their painting skill above basecoat-highlight-wash, which is basically what I did up to now

The workshop was hosted by Roman from the
Massive Voodoo blog, and had a very good mix of theoretical lessons and time to practice. A few things I already knew from art lessons at school (back then...), but never managed to translate these into miniature painting. I also learned quite a lot of stuff unknown to me, about building a proper display base, consistency of paint, the impact of the direction of brush strokes, blending skin, doing eyes, various effects like snow, water and blood, and quite a lot of other stuff.
The miniature to be painted was a GW Daemonette, a miniature I would never ever have painted, hadn't I been forced to. But in the end, I enjoyed it. Quite a lot, I have to say.
So if anyone gets the chance to participate, please do

Anyway, here is what I managed to finish.