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Author Topic: Flames of War v.3 paperback mini review  (Read 1513 times)

Offline Anatoli

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Flames of War v.3 paperback mini review
« on: February 19, 2012, 10:44:14 AM »
Picked up my v.3 paperback this Friday and put together a small review mainly focusing on the quality of the book itself and stuff like writing up the measurements if you still have not received yours and are thinking about getting it punched or spiral bound to make it last a little longer:


« Last Edit: February 19, 2012, 10:46:19 AM by Anatoli »

Offline Galland

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Re: Flames of War v.3 paperback mini review
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 10:58:29 AM »
Nice review Anatoli, and I must confess that the book looks great, like all their products. I dont play the game my self, even though me and Kalle spent about £1000 on the game initially, buying books and craploads of figures, just to find out that we didnt appreciate the game at all.
Any game where Stuarts can move around in circles around a bunch of Panthers and eventually take them out, sort of make me loose interest, and please, dont defend this, its silly, on all accounts.
Back to the books and such, they are lovely, in many ways its how I would love all my rules to look. Beutiful photographs and very nice layout, all professionally presented in a estethically interesting package.
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Offline Anatoli

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Re: Flames of War v.3 paperback mini review
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 12:07:17 PM »
Yeah, I was not playing FoW back when v2 was released but having seen those "free version 2" books and comparing them to this new free v3 shows the difference in quality for the better. To give away this book for free is pretty mindblowing to me, the quality is such that most manufacturers would sell this product for full price.

Just too bad about the poorly glued together pages, but everything is top notch. I like the new look and layout of the book contents and I think it was an overall improvement. We played a tournament with the new version 3 rules yesterday and no one complained about how it played as most of the changes were for the better.

I only shook my head about the silly "hussar" move that replaced the cavalry 8" charge, as I didn't once manage to roll a successful hussar move and would have needed a 8" charge range instead on at least 2 occasions.


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