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Author Topic: Ideal workshop?  (Read 6805 times)

Offline Hammers

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Ideal workshop?
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:29:35 PM »
I am in a position where I probably will be able to build and furnish my personal hobby pit and this has got me contemplating, well, what goes in it?

Imagining few monetary or space constraits, these are a few things I've always wanted:

Paint station, stress on the *paint* bit. A dust free area for only painting, nothing else. All paints lined up within reach on rack for easy selection. Proper places for each type of paint brush. Good lighting from multiple directions. A white, non reflective surface which  is easy to clean. Stands so you can upturn the water pots. Jack and display to the entertainment system.

A long work table for messy work:
Cutting board for paper and plastic. Materials in proper racks behind (sheets, sprues, strip material).
A wood working surface with all mini tools hanging withing reach. Pliers, cutters, files, abrasives neatly arrayed behind on the wall.
A permanent miniforge for soldering  and metalwork.
All should the respective materials in proper racks behind (sheets, sprues, strip material).

Spray Booth Well ventilated. A silent compressor

Bench foam cutter It's messy so it preferably needs its own area.

Display cases All glass, dust free.

Storage system To bring some fucking order to the lead heap.

Beer fridge And a coffee maker.

Book shelves For reference literature.

Permanent photography station Camera and lights always rigged for quick shots. A shelf with backgrounds which can clamped into place quickly. A cabinet with a selection of scenery.

And finally, while at it, a pony

Offline snitcythedog

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 09:11:37 PM »
I like my couch.  I have most of what you envision, but the couch in the living room is where most of the work gets done.  I even have a TV in my work room, and I still use the couch.  Just me I guess.
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Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2012, 09:24:09 PM »
I would add to the list...

A small, sturdy table saw
600mm dia disc sander
Band saw
Lathe (wood preferably)
610x1220 100W laser (and the relevant software etc )
A very good sound system  :)
And a bloody big telly  :D

Oh yeah, and space for an 8x6 table

Can I have a nubile waitress instead of the pony  ;D



Offline Marine0846

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2012, 09:26:58 PM »
How about one of those Swedish ski girls, :o
as your personal assistant. lol
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Offline Dolmot

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2012, 10:10:28 PM »
All furniture hanging from the walls or standing directly on the floor without legs. All floors sloping gently towards the middle of the room. Rounded corners. So that never again those dropped minis, bits, brushes, tools and putty blobs vanish without a trace into the mysterious void behind the table or under the shelf. ::)

Also a bonus if the surfaces can be easily cleaned with plenty of water and horrible toxins to match the horrible toxins that constantly defile them. ::)

Oh, and running water too. Maybe drainage.

Add really functioning tool/paint/brush storage and there's a minor chance that the place won't be a gigantic mess after a day of actual work. (I don't have any of those so this place is constantly a mess and there's nothing I can do about it.)

To be honest, I prefer keeping books, snacks, display cabinets and the lead mountain in another room. There's enough clutter here already. Besides, all miniature work eventually involves lead dust, paint/glue spills and consequently acetone. Better keep at least one wall between that and all edible/presentable/valuable items.

Offline Col.Stone

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2012, 10:37:39 PM »
running water is a must in the perfect hobby room, i used to have an old kitchen when i still lived at my parents, EXCELLEEENT!

Offline Papa Spanky

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 10:46:26 PM »
Pictures of your family on the walls, so you remember what they look like. It doesnt sound like you'll be leaving your hobby room much.

Offline zizi666

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2012, 06:27:54 AM »
I would add to the list...

A small, sturdy table saw
600mm dia disc sander
Band saw
Lathe (wood preferably)
610x1220 100W laser (and the relevant software etc )
A very good sound system  :)
And a bloody big telly  :D

Oh yeah, and space for an 8x6 table

Can I have a nubile waitress instead of the pony  ;D



You forgot the 3d printer.
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for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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Offline FramFramson

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 06:39:21 AM »
How about one of those Swedish ski girls, :o
as your personal assistant. lol

I hear you can get one of those in the public library.  ;D


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Offline Hammers

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 07:24:26 AM »
You can release any amount of Swedcrim like 'The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo' to the world but the above sexual stereotype about Swedes simply won't go away.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 06:50:52 PM by Hammers »

Offline starkadder

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 07:48:50 AM »
One absolute rule that I learned the hard way.

Never, ever, allow this space to be used as a passive storage area for kipple.

Ten years ago, my beloved and I moved into our farm. Every outbuilding bar one was hers (horses, gardening etc). Six sheds were hers. One shed ("the studio") was to be mine. For two glorious weeks I had the perfect playing and modelling area

Then it started.

  • Some friends needed to store some furniture "for a month" while they moved. They took the mound away eight years later.

    My in-laws were destroyed in a car crash. We agreed to look after their house furniture and effects until they could be distributed to other family members. Who didn't want most of it but didn't want any of it thrown out.

    We renovated. Stuff had to go somewhere. Most of it is still in there.

My beautiful studio looks like a particularly demented Pharoah's tomb. It is almost impossible to get into it. All the other outbuildings are pristine.

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Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2012, 07:55:57 AM »
You forgot the 3d printer.

No I didn't  :)

I really like what they can do but I still prefer to do most things by hand. They take a lot of the fun away  :D



Offline Hammers

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2012, 08:14:32 AM »
Well, to be a bit practical and sensible about things:

First Aid station I just sliced a piece of my left index finger off. Again.

Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2012, 09:08:49 AM »
This is the one I'm putting at the end of my garden.

The small area is for general storage (tools/bikes/lawnmower) and will have a bench for anything messy such as casting/scrollsaw. The two tables in the centre are both 6x4 so give a 12x4 area which can be extended if needs be. They'll be mounted on Kitchen units as that gives optimum storage with support. The white blocks at the back are the size and shape of the storage I currently have and it will get extended to cover the back wall. The desk at the front will probably go under the window with display cabinets either side.

Edit: and before someone gets smart, the measurements are a guide only :)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2012, 09:10:58 AM by Dewbakuk »
So many projects..... so little time.......

Offline cheetor

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Re: Ideal workshop?
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2012, 10:06:57 AM »

My experience of spray booth extraction is that it is imperfect.  The workshops that I used to spray in had to be regularly cleaned due to spray residue (as well as the usual workshop dust). 

While I hate to spray things outside for all of the usual reasons, having a thin layer of coloured paint dust on everything in the hobby room would drive me crazy.

Maybe spray booth technology has moved on since I used to use them, but its a consideration I think.  Personally I would rather keep the spray area isolated if at all possible.

The two tables in the centre are both 6x4 so give a 12x4 area which can be extended if needs be. They'll be mounted on Kitchen units as that gives optimum storage with support.

That is something that I have been considering for my table too but I cant shake the idea that they will make actually sitting at the gaming table torturous, with banged knees and bad back posture being the order of the day.

Will the table sit proud of the kitchen units somehow?  Getting decent storage under the gaming area would be fantastic.


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