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Author Topic: Postapoc fire brigade  (Read 8810 times)

Offline Phelan

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Re: Postapoc fire brigade
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2012, 06:44:02 PM »
Any news about this figures?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 07:23:40 PM by Phelan »

Offline akodo

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Re: Postapoc fire brigade
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2013, 05:05:37 PM »
I really like the axe guy

Offline Paleskin

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Re: Postapoc fire brigade
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2013, 05:07:49 PM »
Great minis,but got to ask what makes em post apoc in particular?
Firemen with gun and axe,nicely done for sure but post apoc,not getting that bit?

Offline akodo

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Re: Postapoc fire brigade
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2013, 06:41:13 AM »
Great minis,but got to ask what makes em post apoc in particular?
Firemen with gun and axe,nicely done for sure but post apoc,not getting that bit?

I think they are 'very shortly after' the apocalypse.  But you are right, it isn't like they are 'Mad Max' post-apocalypse.

I like the guy with the axe. 

I think dual wielding a pistol and a Mac-10 is silly.

I do love the idea of a couple of firemen being 'survivors' of a zombie Apocalypse or any other 'shortly after'  scenario...I just don't think they'd still be walking around in all their fire gear.  I'd expect them to at least ditch the hat.  Maybe alternate heads one with hat & mask, one without would be good.

I think of what the firemen might grab from the firehouse or firetruck before abandoning it.  The axe is a good call.  I think another common 'weapon' a fireman would find on the firetruck would be the hydrant wrench


I imagine grabbing a first aid kit would be pretty common as well.

I'd do a pair of firemen.  One would be hefting an axe in full garb but with an alternate head that lacks the helmet.  I'd make a point of including the typical curve of a fire-axe's handle.   

Second would be wearing just the pants and suspenders with jacket off.  I'd give him the hydrant wrench in one hand and a first aid bag in the other.  He'd be posed as 'trotting' somewhere.  I'd include an alternate left arm and alternate right arm, one with shotgun one with pistol.

This would allow the minis to be 2 firemen doing firework in the modern non-apocalypse era, the second one trotting over to the firehydrant to turn it on/off or trotting over to give first aid to a smoke victim someone else pulled out.

The two alternate arms for the 2nd figure allows you to have a 'very short term post-apocalypse' guy just with wrench for bashing heads and first aid kit, OR your choice of gun plus wrench or kit, OR 'full combat mode' with shotgun in one hand and pistol in the other.

Offline Stepman3

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Re: Postapoc fire brigade
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2013, 01:02:48 AM »
When are these going to be out? The turn-out gear looks nice but firefighters, atleast in Baltimore (where I work as a firefighter) cant have beards. I would keep the turnouts on if I was to face zombies, can't bite through it. Axe is good maybe a 6ft hook (pike pole), the hand gun, Okay I can see that, maybe grabbed it from a fallen cop the MAC 10 is a stretch though.


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