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Author Topic: The President's Vampire  (Read 1416 times)

Offline mysteriousbill

  • Mad Scientist
  • Posts: 605
The President's Vampire
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:26:25 AM »

Cade - The President's Vampire: 6BP In 1867 a captured, just turned vampire, was bound to the President (and his duly appointed representatives) by a Blood Oath created by famous voodoo queen Madame Marie Laveau. He has spent decades helping Threshold to battle all manner of supernatural evil.

M Dex. Con. A W Res. Skills . 6 4+ 6 2 2 4+ Duck, Sneaky, Sprint, Tough
Weapons: Claws and fangs (C.C.B. +1, Dam.D+2) Special: Undead, May use human weapons

A Box Lunch.  Agents accompanying the President's Vampire carry a supply of animal blood to feed the vampire if it is wounded. This costs 1 action and a resolve check must be passed. If the resolve check is passed the President's Vampire in base contact regains 1 wound and supply of blood carried by the agent is used up. If the resolve check is failed nothing happens. Under no circumstance may the President's Vampire feed on human blood (which is why he cannot shape shift).
While only one of these exist, he may be assigned to different Threshold teams at different times. If destroyed while serving with one team he may continue to serve with other teams (not actually destroyed, he just refuses to work with that team anymore).

Based on Blood Oath and The President's Vampire books by Chris Farmsworth.

Offline Mo!

  • Mastermind
  • Posts: 1191
Re: The President's Vampire
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 10:48:09 AM »
Cool idea... like it!
Be mindful of the prayers you send
Pray hard but pray with care
For the tears that you are crying now
Are just your answered prayers


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