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Author Topic: Small review of wargames Factory Orc Warband now with pictures!  (Read 2520 times)

Offline Belgian

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Hi, I've recently received a nice parcel from the US and decided to do a small write up on my blog. I was really surprised with the speed of the delivery and the excellent detail on the savage orcs (and skeletons but that's another story). If you want some more infomation about the new plastic orcs go to:


Stay tuned as I will eventually post some of the converted orcs and some scale comparison with other manufacturers.

I now also added a new post with some pictures and a scale comparison with some Games Workshop miniatures.


« Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 07:46:33 PM by Belgian »
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Offline Belgian

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Re: Small review of wargames Factory Orc Warband now with pictures!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2012, 11:11:41 AM »
Dude dont glue up all the figs yet!

I have a set of these myself and figured out some stuff about them. THere is a post kicking about somewhere about it.

It's those 'reversable' torsos that make life a pain in the jaxie.

For the ones with 2 handed weapons you need the torso facing the direction it gives them a hunched forwards look. Everything will line up alot better that way and go together like peaches and cream.

In fact I suggest you use the hunched forward look with most of if not all of the figs as it makes them more dynamic and Orcy. (also seems it was the 'correct' facing in the renders)

Oh and lots of them look better with the weapon in the left hand and shield in the right. One of the right arms tucks the shield in just right.

Follow these discoveries of one that has been here already and I gaurentee your orks will look really nice.

I will find the thread for you,


Thanks for the information! I haven't glued all the miniatures together only 10 of the 72  ;)

I've been thinking on giving them their weapons in thier left hand as it would improve the number of poses and the dynamic look of an entire group of miniatures.

Some of the miniatures look really good with the bodies reversed but the double handed weapon pair of arms doesn't work on the reversed bodies.


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