I finished painting the JamesClayton, Lord Greystoke Ape-theme lycan team for Empire of the Dead.
I'll try to get some better 'glamour shots' of them soon, but here they are before their game against Skrapwelder's Vampires:

The set up for the game was:
Lord Greystoke was convinced that the western hills near Whales (or for those who don't believe the reports of suicidal whales hurling themselves against coastlines to attack countries who hunt them, and the massed bodies build up into new land, may prefer to call it Wales) contained plants which might aid his transformations research, traveling under cover of darkness with his apes and trusted companion ape Alphie, as well as members of his household staff, he relocated for a bit of a holiday and some specimen collecting. Though it was day, and not terribly foggy (rare and unseasonable) Greystoke and his entourage were accosted by what at first appeared to be common highwaymen, but they soon caught the scent that revealed the presence of the undead: a Daywalker Vampire and his mate.
The vampire was actually on business of his own, and was just traveling through the area,but on crossing paths with the apes, it riled them to an agitation that they would not be reasoned with.
The game and photos of it is here: