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Author Topic: Lord Greystoke's Apes: Empire of the Dead (not)Lycans Painted (& Battle Report)  (Read 3332 times)

Offline Laughing Ferret

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I finished painting the JamesClayton, Lord Greystoke Ape-theme lycan team for Empire of the Dead.

I'll try to get some better 'glamour shots' of them soon, but here they are before their game against Skrapwelder's Vampires:

The set up for the game was:
Lord Greystoke was convinced that the western hills near Whales (or for those who don't believe the reports of suicidal whales hurling themselves against coastlines to attack countries who hunt them, and the massed bodies build up into new land, may prefer to call it Wales) contained plants which might aid his transformations research, traveling under cover of darkness with his apes and trusted companion ape Alphie, as well as members of his household staff, he relocated for a bit of a holiday and some specimen collecting. Though it was day, and not terribly foggy (rare and unseasonable) Greystoke and his entourage were accosted by what at first appeared to be common highwaymen, but they soon caught the scent that revealed the presence of the undead: a Daywalker Vampire and his mate.

The vampire was actually on business of his own, and was just traveling through the area,but on crossing paths with the apes, it riled them to an agitation that they would not be reasoned with.

The game and photos of it is here:
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 07:26:58 PM by Laughing Ferret »
"If History teaches us anything, it is that people don't really learn from history."

Hobby Pledge 2014: Bought: .  Painted: . (Pure hobby: no commissions included)
Hobby Blog is here: http://laughingferret.blogspot.com/
Commission Studio is here: http://www.laughingferretstudio

Offline Big Frank

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Fantastic looking faction, very nice terrain and great battle report.
Look forward to seeing more from you. Some close up pics of the ape faction would be good.
Cheers BF :)

Offline Heldrak

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Superb report! The whole project (conversions, painting, background, terrain, reports) is outstanding. It's stuff like this that makes the LAF great!  :-*
2012 Lead Tally: Painted:0

Offline Skrapwelder

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Fighting those monkeys is like charging a brick wall that is already falling on you. :o Really tough group and commanded very well.

Offline Van-Helsing

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FANTASTIC WORK (I wish I could paint that fast LoL)

"The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind" ~ H. P. Lovecraft


Offline twrchtrwyth

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Very cool. Where is this Whales place though?
He that trades Liberty for Security will soon find that he has neither.

Benjamin Franklin

Offline Laughing Ferret

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Whales: the land formed by the mass suicide of ocean-dwelling mega mammals who hurl themselves against coastlines, in vain effort against the nations who hunt their kind to extinction.  Unnerved by this pathetic display, the humans mearly shovel topsoil over the bodies and build houses on the new real estate. I thought everyone knew this.

Or it was really late when I was tiredly writing it and spell check didn't notice my blunder because it can't read my intent.

My money is on the mass whale suicide.  8)

Thanks all, I'll try to update with some pictures of the team in the photobox.

Offline Anatoli

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Fantastic looking gang!  :-*

Offline Mason

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Great stuff!

Your blog is great too, and I now have to find some time to have a good stroll around it.
There seems to be a lot of inspirational things going on there.

Offline Sterling Moose

  • Scatterbrained Genius
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Great Blog, love the terrain and the pretty toys   :D
'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.'

Offline Laughing Ferret

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Thanks all :) and for the comment about the blog, I do enjoy working on it  :D


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