Greetings all!
Multiple games of Strange Aeons were played this weekend. I thought I would share one staring my wife’s team. I played the lurkers. We rolled for the scenario and got Retrieve the Artifact.
Here's Trish's team:
Sister Mary Catherine (Agent with Lieutenant, Read and Speak Languages)
Father Xavier (Character with two .45’s)
Sister O’Donnell (Agent)
Carl Conley, Seminarian (Civilian with club)
1 Win, 0 Loses
Cult Leader (.22 and knife)
Cultist (.22)
Cultist (Bolt Action Rifle)
Cultist (Shotgun)
The board
Objective markers placed.
Lurkers deploy
Agents deploy
Turns 1 and 2 are spent moving into position.
Turn 3:
Cultist with Rifle takes a shot and jams his weapon.
The other cult members prepare to jump the nuns.
Father Xavier puts a .45 round into the cultist with a shotgun but only stuns him.
Turn 4
The Fishman moves across the river at the ford. Both the cultist with shot gun and the cult leader fire on Father Xavier. The cult leader scores one wound.
Carl Conley charges the fish man but is mauled in the fight and removed as a major injury.
Sister Mary Catherine exacts vengeance by blasting the fish man with her .45.
Meanwhile, Sister O’Donnell searches the first crate and finds a scroll.
Father Xavier shoots at the cultist with shotgun but fails to wound.
Turn 5
The cultist with the rifle takes another rifle shot and jams his weapon again (two shots, two jams).
Shotgun cultist stands and fires at Father Xavier, but fails to wound his target.
The cult leader empties his .22 at the Father and scores a major wound, removing him from the table.
The Nuns return fire but fail to cause any damage.
Turn 6
Two cultists make it across the ford and into base to base with an objective.
The cult leader trades shots with the nuns to no effect.
Turn 7
One cultists picks up the crate and runs towards the Lurker board edge.
The other cultist charges Sister O’Donnell but fails to cause damage.
Sister Catherine returns the charge and kills the cultist allowing Sister O’Donnell to search the crate at her feet. She finds nothing of use.
Turn 8
The cultist carrying the crate continues to run across the board. The rifle-armed cultist un-jams his weapon and readies for another shot.
The cult leader shoots at the sisters but fails to wound.
Sister Catherine takes aim at the cult leader and drops him with one shot.
Seeing their leader die, the cultist carrying the crate falls to the ground in a state of catatonia. The rifle-armed cultist turns and runs for the board edge.
Meanwhile, Sister O’Donnell moves towards another objective.
Turn 9
The cultist with the rifle takes a shot at Sister O’Donnell and jams again!
Sister O’Donnell searches the crate and finds nothing useful.
Turn 10
The catatonic cultist recovers and prepares for the advancing nun.
Sister Catherine opens fire and causes no damage.
Turn 11
The fully recovered cultist fires at the nun but fails to connect.
Sister Catherine drops the cultist by rolling a 6 to hit, a 6 for critical damage, and a 6 for the damage roll! The rifle-armed cultist loses all nerve and runs off the board.
End game
Father Xavier and Carl made a full recovery.
Sister Catherine increased her resolve and spent the treasure-hunting phase deciphering a scroll obtained from the previous game. She has learned the Bless Weapon spell.
Sister O’Donnell searches the last crate and finds nothing of value.