Today the ninth day of September, we can all agree, is 9/9. But tomorrow, some people will be making posts and dating them 10/9, while others will be dating them 9/10, and I'll start getting confused again. And were posts labelled 9/8 made yesterday by an American, or are they older topics started by a European on 9 August?
I don't want to debate the merits of different orderings of day and month - we've all got the systems we use in our different countries too deeply engrained for that - but it occurs to me that we could short-circuit misunderstanding by putting the month in letters, not numbers. Since space in topic titles is short, we could use the three letter abbreviations.
Then it wouldn't matter if someone wrote 10 Sep or Sep 10 - there'd be no scope for confusion.
Alternatively, we could go old-fashioned and use Roman numerals for months - 10/ix or ix/10 for tomorrow - but I suspect that that has fallen irretrievably out of use.