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Author Topic: Galvanic Cannons  (Read 4103 times)

Offline Red Orc

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2012, 12:36:48 PM »

I love your work Froggy, it's probably the most grin-inducing stuff on the internet. I know you always say that the best compliment to your work is to see the efforts of others who've been inspired by it, but yet again you're going to have to put up with me going 'wow you're brilliant I love your toys and I want to steal your brain and hands', without posting any pics of my own quite rubbish kitbashing.

Offline Froggy the Great

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2012, 01:20:57 PM »
Let's see about bits used.  The basic idea is the same across all of them, but they're all different.

--The barrels are the little screw shafts you get in computer cables to attach the plugs to the back of the computer.

--Some of the muzzles are the screw bits that the above screw into, but mostly they're springs or whatever I could find that fit.  Seriously, this was the hardest part.

--The wheels on the back and some of the mountings up front are parts ripped out of old VHS tapes.

--The wheels are either off those victorian carriages we're all using for steam-wagons, or they're computer cable/wire wrapped around the plates out of a VCR motor.

--The capacitors are all capacitors.

--Most other stuff is whatever I could find laying around, and is most likely ripped out of a cigarette lighter.
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Offline abdul666lw

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2012, 04:53:53 PM »
Jewels of creativity, imagination and skill!
I specially like the 2 types on the left, upper and middle rows.

For an even more 'unusual' look, what about -supposing horses unpleasantly sensitive to electric fields- light 'unprotected' types drawn by *dogs*, like the Belgian MG of early WWI?

Brigade Games have them in miniature, btw:

Along a TMP thread about VSF galvanic weapons it was also suggested (maybe more for 18th C. 'clockworkpunk' settings) to use Leyden jars as grenades, thrown using compressed air (as, historically, for dynamite-filled howitzer shields)

or springs along the lines of the sauterelle ('grasshoper') grenade-throwing arbalest of WWI

Now, I fear that, because of the Faraday cage effect, steel-covered steamtanks are immune to galvanic weapons?

Offline Dr Mathias

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2012, 05:00:45 PM »
Cool photos of the Belgian Carabinieres. I have those Brigade models. Love 'em!
Thanks for posting :)

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Offline Conquistador

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2012, 11:35:49 PM »
Now, I fear that, because of the Faraday cage effect, steel-covered steamtanks are immune to galvanic weapons?

Should they be required to pass a morale check as all the arcs/sparks pass through the metal frame?


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Offline Conquistador

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2012, 11:38:34 PM »
Let's see about bits used.  The basic idea is the same across all of them, but they're all different.

--The barrels are the little screw shafts you get in computer cables to attach the plugs to the back of the computer.

--Some of the muzzles are the screw bits that the above screw into, but mostly they're springs or whatever I could find that fit.  Seriously, this was the hardest part.

--The wheels on the back and some of the mountings up front are parts ripped out of old VHS tapes.

--The wheels are either off those victorian carriages we're all using for steam-wagons, or they're computer cable/wire wrapped around the plates out of a VCR motor.

--The capacitors are all capacitors.

--Most other stuff is whatever I could find laying around, and is most likely ripped out of a cigarette lighter.

To quote from a poster my wife has - "The real voyage of discovery consists in not seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."  You have very "new" eyes to take bits like that and make these wonderful weapons.



the more than slightly jealous

Offline Froggy the Great

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2012, 01:29:39 AM »
Glenn- The World Is Lego.  This is how I live.

And it's not VSF unless the operator is actively risking his life for cool effect, am I right?

Offline Conquistador

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Re: Galvanic Cannons
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2012, 11:48:09 AM »

And it's not VSF unless the operator is actively risking his life for cool effect, am I right?

Why, yes, of course!

It's not living if it lacks danger!




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