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Author Topic: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period  (Read 13521 times)

Offline Helen

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The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:39:55 PM »
Hi Folks,

On Facebook, Pete from The Assault group outlined the plan for the above.

Here is the list and his thoughts:

"OK, this is the way that it is rolling with the Tudors.
Nick is working on the range now…

We plan a full range of English and French minis, which will be ready for release in March or April or 2013.

We plan to use Kick starter to promote the range, as present we haven’t seen a full range of wargames minis promoted in this way so hopefully we can spark peoples interest by using the KS as well as reach people who we wouldn't normally get to with our normal releases.

When we get to announcing the Kick starter properly we will have the English minis done and the French minis almost complete, so we will be able to deliver on these swiftly, no waiting around lick some KS’s I could mention, but we want the KS crowd to push us into adding more nations for this mid-century period, so the stretch goals will include Germans, Scot and Irish, as well as a few other little treats I have up my sleeve.

This is the list of English and French we are working towards;
REN400   HenryVIII
REN401   General (to be decided)
REN402   Tudor Nobles with lances
REN403   Tudor Noble Command
REN404   Tudor Nobles with hand weapons
REN405   Staves/Borderers with swords
REN406   Staves/Borderers with lances
REN407   Staves/Borderers with pistols
REN408   Staves/Borderers with fire-arms
REN409   Stave/Borderer command
REN410   English infantry in uniform coats with pike/bill upright
REN411   English infantry in uniform coats with pike/bill at 80
REN412   English infantry in uniform coats with pike/bill at 60
REN413   English infantry in uniform coats with pike/bill at 45
REN414   English infantry in uniform coats firing longbows
REN415   English infantry in uniform coats loading longbows
REN416   English infantry in uniform coats marching with longbows
REN417   English infantry in uniform coats standing with longbows
REN418   English infantry in uniform coats firing caliver
REN419   English infantry in uniform coats loading caliver
REN420   English infantry in uniform coats marching with caliver
REN421   English infantry in uniform coats standing with caliver
REN422   English infantry Command in Uniform coats standing
REN423   English infantry Command in Uniform coats advancing
REN424   English militia/Border infantry with bill upright
REN425   English militia/Border infantry with bill at 80
REN426   English militia/Border infantry with bill at 60
REN427   English militia/Border infantry with bill at 45
REN428   English militia/Border infantry firing longbow
REN429   English militia/Border infantry loading longbow
REN430   English militia/Border infantry marching with longbow
REN431   English militia/Border infantry standing with longbow
REN432   English militia/Border Command standing
REN433   English militia/Border Command advancing
REN434   Shrympe (small ordinance piece)
REN435   Heavy Ordinance piece
REN436   English gun crew
REN437   Francis I
REN438   French General (to be decided)
REN439   French Gendarmes with lance upright
REN440   French Gendarme Command
REN441   French Gendarmes with lance couched
REN442   French Gendarmes with side arms
REN443   French Argoulets firing arquebus
REN444   French Argoulet command
REN445   French Argoulets loading arquebus
REN446   French foot with pike upright
REN447   French foot with pike at 80
REN448   French foot with pike at 60
REN449   French foot with pike at 45
REN450   French Aventuriers firing arquebus
REN451   French Aventuriers loading arquebus
REN452   French Aventuriers marching with arquebus
REN453   French Aventuriers standing with arquebus
REN454   French Aventurier Command standing
REN455   French Aventurier Command advancing
REN456   Swiss pikemen with pike upright
REN457   Swiss pikemen with pike at 80
REN458   Swiss pikemen with pike at 60
REN459   Swiss pikemen with pike at 45
REN460   Swiss heavy infantry command
REN461   Swiss arquebusiers firing
REN462   Swiss arquebusiers loading
REN463   Swiss arquebusiers advancing
REN464   Swiss arquebusiers standing
REN465   Swiss light infantry command
REN466   French artillery crew

So, hopefully this will give people something to get their teeth into…

Ok, these are the 'Stretch Goals' for our Kickstarter, as you may or may not know these things don't get made unless the goals are reached/exceeded, so we need to get people excited to get ALL these minis made.
Plus although we will plan to have the English and French ready to roll at the point the KS is announced, these minis will take time to deliver, 6 months for the Germans and another 6 for the Scots and Irish, sorry about that, but we (Nick) makes these things by hand and eye, and as you may already know if you are a long term TAG customer, it is NOT a quick process.
Stretch Goal 2
REN467   German General (to be decided)
REN468   German General (to be decided)
REN469   German/Burgundian Gendarmes with lance
REN470   German/Burgundian Gendarme Command
REN471   German/Burgundian Gendarmes with side arms
REN472   German Nobles with lances
REN473   German Nobles with hand weapons
REN474   Early Reiter with boar-spears
REN475   Early Reiter Command
REN476   Early Reiter with pistols
REN477   Berittene Hakenbuchsen-schutzen (with arquebus)
REN478   Landsknecht pikemen with pikes upright
REN479   Landsknecht pikemen with pikes at 80
REN480   Landsknecht pikemen with pikes at 60
REN481   Landsknecht pikemen with pikes at 45
REN482   Landsknecht swordsmen
REN483   Landsknecht heavy infantry Command
REN484   Landsknechts firing arquebus
REN485   Landsknechts loading arquebus
REN486   Landsknechts marching with arquebus
REN487   Landsknechts standing with arquebus
REN488   Landsknecht light infantry Command
REN489   German city-militia pikemen with pike upright
REN490   German city-militia pikemen with pike at 80
REN491   German city-militia pikemen with pike at 60
REN492   German city-militia pikemen with pike at 45
REN493   German heavy infantry Command
REN494   German city-militia firing arquebus
REN495   German city-militia loading arquebus
REN496   German light infantry Command
REN497   German artillery crew

Stretch Goal 4
REN498   Scottish General (to be decided)
REN499   Scottish General (to be decided)
REN500   Lowland pikemen with pikes upright
REN501   Lowland pikemen with pikes at 80
REN502   Lowland pikemen with pikes at 60
REN503   Lowland pikemen with pikes at 45
REN504   Lowland heavy infantry Command
REN505   Lowlander firing arquebus
REN506   Lowlander standing with arquebus
REN507   Lowland light infantry Command
REN508   Highlanders attacking with melee weapons
REN509   Highlanders advancing with melee weapons
REN510   Highlanders firing bows
REN511   Highlanders advancing with bows
REN512   Highlanders firing arquebus
REN513   Highlanders advancing with arquebus
REN514   Highland infantry Command attacking
REN515   Highland infantry Command standing
REN516   Scottish gun crew

Stretch Goal 5
REN517   Irish General (to be decided)
REN518   Irish General (to be decided)
REN519   Irish Horse with lances
REN520   Irish Horse Command
REN521   Irish Horse with javelins
REN522   Irish Horse with hand weapons
REN523   Kern standing with spear
REN524   Kern throwing javelins
REN525   Kerns advancing with spears
REN526   Kerns with hand weapons
REN527   Kerns firing arquebus
REN528   Kerns standing with arquebus
REN529   Kern Command advancing
REN530   Kern Command standing
REN531   Galloglaich with axe, standing
REN532   Galloglaich with axe, advancing
REN533   Galloglaich with axe, attacking
REN534   Galloglaich with hand weapons
REN535   Galloglaich command standing
REN536   Galloglaich command advancing

But once again, if we fall flat on our faces, don’t expect to see all these mini in the time scale given, chances are we’ll cull loads from this list and just make the troop type necessary for the completion of the English army."

I've not added comments by others, but as you can see it's quite exhaustive an I hope those folks who have an interest can get on the band wagon when it kicks off.


Best wishes,
Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well (V van Gogh)

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2012, 10:59:59 PM »
That's an impressive list for any range.



Offline Mr.J

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2012, 11:03:12 PM »
I've been anticipating these figures so it's nice to see that they are in motion again. As they seemed to stall for some time. A very impressive list.

Offline Mr.J

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2012, 11:05:54 PM »
Also just found this on their facebook page to wet everyone's appetites...

Offline The Dozing Dragon

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2012, 11:08:53 PM »
On a serious note how about sculpting all of his wives......it would make an interesting set piece............Henry in the ultimate battle  ;)

Henry looks brilliant btw.

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2012, 11:09:37 PM »
Doesn't look like Ray Winston though  ;D



Offline Helen

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2012, 11:21:31 PM »
Tudor Lady:

Offline Hildred Castaigne

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2012, 11:37:34 PM »
On a serious note how about sculpting all of his wives......it would make an interesting set piece............Henry in the ultimate battle  ;)

Henry looks brilliant btw.
You mean that time he tried wrestling the French king, but got tripped?
The Field of the Cloth of Gold, if memory serves me correctly.

Stretch Goal 5
REN517   Irish General (to be decided)
REN518   Irish General (to be decided)
REN519   Irish Horse with lances
REN520   Irish Horse Command
REN521   Irish Horse with javelins
REN522   Irish Horse with hand weapons
REN523   Kern standing with spear
REN524   Kern throwing javelins
REN525   Kerns advancing with spears
REN526   Kerns with hand weapons
REN527   Kerns firing arquebus
REN528   Kerns standing with arquebus
REN529   Kern Command advancing
REN530   Kern Command standing
REN531   Galloglaich with axe, standing
REN532   Galloglaich with axe, advancing
REN533   Galloglaich with axe, attacking
REN534   Galloglaich with hand weapons
REN535   Galloglaich command standing
REN536   Galloglaich command advancing
It is a shame these are so low on the list of priorities!
For quite a while now people have been asking for Kerns and Galloglaich with no sign of them appearing on the market.
And now here they are, so close and yet so far!

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2012, 01:33:09 AM »
So they would be good threw Queen Elizabeth's regime correct?
"Peace" is that brief, glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2012, 08:55:57 AM »
lovely... promising stuff there...

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2012, 10:34:12 AM »
Also just found this on their facebook page to wet everyone's appetites...

Looks nothing like Keith Michell.... Boo. Still the female figure does rather resemble Alan Davies so, on balance, thumbs up.  :D
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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2012, 10:37:36 AM »
They're looking very nice  :)


Offline anevilgiraffe

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2012, 10:56:51 AM »
there's only one definitive portrayal of Henry VIII

Offline Conquistador

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Re: The Assault Group Proposed Kick starter range for Tudor Period
« Reply #14 on: October 24, 2012, 11:50:30 AM »
Also just found this on their facebook page to wet everyone's appetites...

"Whet" I believe is the word.  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/whet  definition 2: to make keen or more acute : excite, stimulate <whet the appetite> <whetted her curiosity>


Whet your appetite


To have your interest in something, especially food, stimulated.


This phrase is often confused with 'wet your whistle'. Uncertainty about the spelling of the first word, either as whet or wet, leads to both phrases being wrongly spelled too. In fact there's no connection between the two terms, which are properly spelled as 'whet your appetite' and 'wet your whistle'. The allusion in the former is to the sharpening of tools on a whetstone (grindstone) and to whet means just to sharpen. So, 'whetting our appetite' is 'sharpening our appetite'.

'Wet your whistle' predates 'whet your appetite' by some centuries, and was first recorded in the 1386 Towneley Mysteries:

"Had She oones Wett Hyr Whystyll She couth Syng full clere Hyr pater noster."

Whistle here means throat or voice and the phrase just means 'take a drink'.

You may see it put about that 'wet your whistle' derives from the practice of using a whistle in the taverns of Olde Englande to summon the landlord with more drinks. This is complete tosh. The Internet makes it easy to circulate information; unfortunately it isn't discriminating and stories like that tend to gain a foothold quite quickly. That form of digitally enhanced folk etymology is called netymology. As French wine growers used to say when complaining of inferior wines that were labelled as the prestigious Appelation Controllé - "the paper never refuses the ink". If you would like to dispel some popular fallacies you could try life in the 1500s or the Nonsense Nine.

Back to whet/wet your appetite/whistle. The spelling as 'wet your appetite' is quite understandable. Whet is no longer a common word, whereas its homonym 'wet' obviously is. Also, when tools are ground on whetstones they need to be lubricated with water or oil to prevent overheating. Whetstones were normally constructed with a water bath or some form of drip on to the stone. The assumption that 'whet' and 'wet' are the same word is thus encouraged. Added to that is the 18th century habit of serving liqueurs as hors d'oeuvre - in that case literally wetting the appetite (they also served turnips as appetizers - thankfully we have moved on).

Although not as old as 'wet your whistle', 'whet your appetite' has been in the language for some time. It is first alluded to in Thomas Shadwell's The Squire of Alsatia, 1688:

"Let's whett; bring some Wine. Come on; I love a Whett."

A more explicit use is in Thomas Dekker's If it be not good, the diuel is in it, 1612:

"[He] seekes new wayes to whet dull appetite."

By the early 19th century the phrase had begun to be used figuratively to refer to sharpening the appetite for things other than food, as here in a report from The Times, May 1801:

"It [defending Portugal] would only whet the appetite of Bonaparte and increafe ftill more the dangers of invafion."

Nice sculpt, hopefully it wll go well for enthusiasts (I am not one.)


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