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Author Topic: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?  (Read 11017 times)

Offline obsidian3d

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Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:05:35 PM »
I was wondering if any of you folks have picked up Warpath figures from Mantic. I'm quite interested in their Enforcer army because I like how they look, but it is unlikely that I'd play the game. I've had 40k for years (even the new 6th), but only play a few games each year. Not because I don't like the rules, but because I paint slowly and don't like playing with unpainted stuff.

I know that Mantic did a Kickstarter for their fantasy game which had some really good deals. Does anyone know if they're planning one for Warpath as well? Maybe I can wait for that and get a bunch of figures for less than one of their army package deals on their website.

Has anyone bought the Enforcer figures? Recommendations or condemnations would be appreciated.

Offline Dentatus

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 04:51:05 AM »
Can't comment on Mantic or Warpath, but I have Enforcer figs and like them. The pose-ability isn't as varied as you might think, but they're decent power-armored troops. Without skullz.

What specifically do you want to know?

Offline tnjrp

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2012, 07:19:45 AM »
Most people who own Enforcers and have cared to comment seem to generally like them. They are fairly large tho which is one reason why I've been putting off getting any myself.

Shall enjoy reading any further information, therefore 8)

Offline Malebolgia

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2012, 07:34:33 AM »
I bought the set with 31 of them so I have all of the weapon options. The big guy was also included, but I don’t care about him. In fact, I think he looks ridiculous.

I am planning to use the UNA Firetoads link) as Walkers for the force as battle tanks. I am only looking for 1-2 suitable APC’s but haven’t found them yet. I have 6 Zandris IV Battlesuits as heavy suits/light tanks, then some of the Antenociti robots and done.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 07:36:10 AM by Malebolgia »
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Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2012, 08:37:43 AM »
I was just wondering what the general thoughts on them are. Do they stack up scale and sculpt wise with comparable GW or other figures? Are the weapon options good? Easy or frustrating construction? Good results when painted. Any thoughts really... :)

Offline Inso

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2012, 09:05:34 AM »
I don't own the Enforcers but I would expect that they go together just as well as the rest of the Mantic 'restics' which basically means minimum variation of pose, clean fits and a really annoying little mould line that is a wotsit to remove because the material is a little rubbery.

The Enforcers look a little spindly but they are no worse than Antenociti's Workshop's 'GOT@ range or even Infinity... so if you like Spindly then they will suit.

The restic is nicely detailed so they take paint really well.

I am in the process of painting up Dreadball figures (Dwarfs) and they are looking nice :)

Offline Dentatus

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2012, 04:22:43 PM »
"Spindly" doesn't come to mind. Tall, maybe.

I'd say they definitely scale well with GW stuff. Weapon options are limited: a rather uninteresting assault rifle, a plasma/flamer variant, a rocket launcher and a long 'smart gun' squad support type thing. There's also close assault gear featuring a plain pistol and wrist blades.   Again, they're not a bad option for generic power-armor troops; I just think they're not as inspired as they could be. 

Construction-wise, it took me a couple attempts to figure out the variations/dynamics. It's tough to do actual shooting poses.  Cyano glue worked fine on the 'restic' pieces.

Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2012, 05:35:11 PM »
Hey thanks for the comparison photo. That figure actually looks better than I'd expected. The only examples I've seen of painted figures are on Mantic's website. I'll have to dig around some to see if I can find more.

I was able to use plastic glue on my Dreadball figures (the thick GW stuff). Is it correct to say that the Enforcers (barring the metal figures) are made of the same material?

The only complaint I have is that the tiny base seems to be the norm for Mantic figures. It's actually rather annoying to work with during painting.

Offline Ajsalium

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2012, 01:52:48 AM »

It looks like they are 35mm scale. Which would be just perfect to throw them against horrorclix aliens (that are 40mm tall). :D
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Offline tnjrp

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2012, 07:45:19 AM »
"Spindly" doesn't come to mind. Tall, maybe. [...] I'd say they definitely scale well with GW stuff
Based on the pix I've seen, I wouldn't :)

They would seem a bit taller than Infinity even and therefore noticeably taller than the short-and-stocky GW norm. Enforcers are stockier than Inf minis but that in and of itself might be thought to be down to the armour as they have a smallish head. I do expect Enforcers scale fairly well with Sedition Wars stuff from the Battle for Alabaster box (which should finally be shipping to Europe on January 4th, yay!).

Offline obsidian3d

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2012, 06:12:33 PM »
I think maybe I'll wait until they do their Warpath kickstarter campaign then. I really do like the models, but I don't desperately need them any time soon...so the cheaper I can get them the better. :)

Offline Amalric

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2012, 06:18:12 PM »
What glue do you use on the mantic plastics?
Good ole Testots?

Nice painting and comparison pics

Offline Dentatus

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2012, 08:16:22 PM »
Zap-A-Gap cyanoacrylate glue works just fine.

I actually need to finish painting those guys. And a bunch of other stuff. 

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2012, 09:19:16 AM »
I just got my hands on some of these last Thursday.

They are nice figs but they are huge, way bigger than anything else I have.

I actually bought them because of this, as I got hold of some of the excellent bald heads from Max Mini, only to discover that they are too big for the figs I wanted to use them on. These heads are in fact too big for any of my figs except GW space marines or fantasy chaos warriors, (in my opinion of course,) which is a massive shame as they're wonderful little sculpts which I could have found multiple uses for.

Anyway I took some photos with a sample of the usual suspects to add to Denatus's size comparison pic.You'll see that the enforcer in the pics has a MaxMini head on it.

As to the castings, they're quite nicely detailed, but there are are a lot of mould lines to clean up, and they don't clean up as easily as styrene figs.

The figs are multi part, but the range of poses is very limited. There are two leg options in the pack  I got, which while different, are very similar.

The worst thing about the figs is the way the appear to have been cut off the sprue, (there's no sprue in the pack, they come pre-cut off the sprue.) It would seem that the monkeys Mantic employs take very little care removing them from the sprue, hence the damage which Dwartist mentioned, and which I also found on my figs, as shown below.

I summary, they are nice figs, but:

1. They are huge, forget using them as humans with other lines, but they'd make quite good killer robots/aliens or gene modded super soldiers.

2. Clean up is a pain in the arse.

3. For multi part, they're quite limited in what you can do with them.

If it hadn't been for me wanting to use the MaxMini bits, I wouldn't have bothered with them.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 07:42:39 PM by hubbabubba »

Offline dwartist

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Re: Mantic Warpath Enforcer figure thoughts?
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2012, 10:38:54 AM »
Some nice heads coming out of Mad Robot too, H.


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