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Author Topic: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?  (Read 3556 times)

Offline NickNascati

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Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« on: January 15, 2013, 01:25:19 AM »
So I have 18 very nicely painted Crusader Gladiators and several sets of rules to peruse. Is it possible to play gladiators solo in a way that really gives the feel of,Gladiator combat without become an intense, academic exercise?

Offline Mad Doc Morris

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 08:55:47 AM »
the feel of,Gladiator combat without become an intense, academic exercise?

Wasn't gladiatorial combat just that? :P
Honestly though, on average there's not much excitement to be gained from single (okay, sometimes massed) combat in an otherwise featureless environment. As much excitement as from any other non-fantasy sports game, anyway. You could, of course, add elements as seen on TV/movies: traps and pitfalls, tricks and special moves – or groups of untrained men led by a hero to fend off professionals and animals alike (which is very close to gaming executions, so rather poor taste).

All that said, I find Red Sand, Blue Sky to be fun, and it's suited to solo play as well (programmed reactions in there). It's good as a filler game or for campaigns to be played on a single day. At the same time it resembles the "real thing" well enough to be a historical rather than a fantasy game.

Offline The Baggagetrain

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2013, 01:44:58 PM »

Two hour wargames do a set which if like their other sets of rules have a section for solo gaming. their solo gaming model is very good and I have had a few solo games of warriors Hero's  which worked out OK

this is for their historcal set


and this is their fantasy set


have a look, not bad cost wise and is a downloadable PDF or you can get the printer ver if you wish

The Baggagetrain

Offline smokezombie

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2013, 02:13:39 PM »
I got RSBS to with the aim of being able to solo play, I've not yet tried it out yet as all the minis are on the workbench ( as it were) but it doesn't look like solo play will be an intense academic exercise. There is a cheat sheet with all the tables ( on one page) over on Boardgamegeek that should make the game easy to play ( the rule book/PDF on its own requires flicking between several different pages)?

Good luck.
"The sword sung on the barren heath,
The sickle in the fruitful field;
The sword he sung a song of death,
But could not make the sickle yield."
William Blake

Offline Figouze

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2013, 02:51:59 PM »
Actually, I have tried many rules and I don't have found the rule that
actually give sufficient feeling on several games :
munera sine misione, arena games, pitfighter, RSBS, Are you entertained, Gladiator, Gloria Aut Nihil, Song of Blade And Heroes, Ludus Gladiatorius ...

It lacks something, not for the campain side but for the regular games on 1 to 1.

Some hit localisation, some changes from gladiator type to another and some skill evolution.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2013, 12:11:42 PM by Figouze »

Offline NickNascati

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2013, 03:33:13 PM »
             So it sounds like you are saying no rules you have tried give a satisfactory solo combat game?

Offline Figouze

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2013, 05:20:26 PM »
Actually, it is a shame but I don't have found the rule I would like to play.   :(

« Last Edit: February 05, 2013, 01:59:15 PM by Figouze »

Offline Mad Doc Morris

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2013, 05:57:07 PM »
Sorry to rehash, but I'm really interested in this: Couldn't this be rooted in the topic itself?

Maybe we expect too much from games which try to represent what was actually a quite formal, regulated and ritualised sport. At least if we approach gladiatorial combat from a historical perspective as laid out by modern historians and archaeologists (to name but Marcus Junkelmann and his ludus).

Over years past I've collected quite a few rulesets but never encountered a single one which provides overly exciting, yet 'historically informed' gameplay. From my perspective, RSBS is still as close as you can get but, after all, it's just another compromise. So it seems to be up to the individual gamer how to cope with that issue, adding complexity or Hollywood elements or whatever. Due to the very same reason you'll probably never find the perfect solution until you try out those games available. And some of us are never to return from this quest. ;)

In order to stay constructive, I'd like to emphasise to give RSBS a try. It's thorougly playtested, readily available (even as a PDF) and won't break the bank. And, as that's a major point, it's genuinely playable solo.

Offline NickNascati

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2013, 09:46:01 PM »
I did have RSBS, the last time I tried gladiators.  I just felt that the rules did not really give the gamer any decisions to make.  The die rolls did everything.  I would like to try Ludus Gladitorius, but the rules are not available,without the whole game package.

Offline Mad Doc Morris

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2013, 10:10:20 PM »
That's em4's Ludus Gladiatorius, right? I reckon those rules won't serve you any better, they are rather basic. However, given that additionally you get a bunch of (nicely!) pre-painted models, dice and a piece of "paper terrain" for the price of another rulebook, I would go for it anyway (okay, I've already done so). lol

On second note, you're right, RSBS doesn't allow for a lot of decisions. But then again, what choices are there for fighters facing each other under said circumstances? You decide what to do and your opponent can immediately react to this. You can be lucky and avoid being hit unpleasantly or even gain the upper hand for a few moments. But you got to be careful not to become exhausted too early. No silly leaps, no running around, no fancy tricks - more like a game of poker where you got to live with what you've been dealt. To me that's very close to the likely mode of gladiatorial combat. As I said, apart from the cool figures, no base for an exciting game.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 10:20:44 PM by Mad Doc Morris »

Offline LeadAsbestos

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2013, 12:23:22 AM »
Great points, everyone! I've been thinking abt a simple system of cards where you choose an attack and/or a defense, you opponent does the same, and you get results based on how your choices interact, sorta like a fancier rock, paper, scissors.
Still doesnt give you anything to do w/ the minis other than plop them in the center of the arena, but there you are... ::)

Offline Cory

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2013, 02:43:42 AM »
Best system I have seen was back in the 80's at a couple of conventions. The fellow was using a modified Ace of Aces system in which each player had a choice of cards based on what they had done and what their opponent had done in the previous round. That gave the game a
tactical feeling, even when it was two models were simply in base to base.

Offline Kugelfang

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2013, 07:42:28 PM »
Well, after several years of reading LAF I've finally been motivated to register....

I wrote a set of card activated gladiator rules a couple of years ago ( https://sites.google.com/site/petiteguerre/home/familia-gladiatoria ) that I think might work for you if sufficiently tweaked. It wasn't designed for solo play but by randomizing which cards are drawn and the order in which they're played it might add a bit of a challenge. Or, it might result in a seriously goofy fight. Since I have no local opponents it might be something for me to spend some time on.

Anyhow, give them a try and let me know what you think.


"The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there."
    -- 'The Go-Between', Leslie P. Hartley (1895-1972)

Offline NickNascati

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2013, 01:20:25 AM »
I will definitely give them a try and let you know.  Everyone is talking me out of selling them!

Offline Rob_bresnen

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Re: Is a satisfying Solo Gladiator game possible?
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2013, 01:09:06 PM »
you could try laying a side bet-

If this side wins I go and clean the bathroom, and if this side wins I go on eBay and buy more figures!

Theres more 28mm Superhero Madness at my blog, http://fourcoloursupers.blogspot.com/
And for Ultra-modern Wargaming check out Hotel Zugando at http://ultramoderngaming.blogspot.co.uk/


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