Thanks, everyone! The Raccoons are from Splintered Light Miniatures, one of my favorite companies. Funny thing, though. During last year's LPL, they were listed on their website as 15mm. In the intervening months, they made the decision to market them as 20mm. So, that is why I labeled them one way last year and another this year.
You'll see at least one more round of the little buggers in this competition. And Scootboy, I agree, the stocking caps sold me on the figs, too. Plus, the variety in poses is spectacular.
Hubbynz, I agree with Scootboy. I would LOVE to see a massive diorama with the whole drunken hobbit gang. Do you use a light box for your photos? I will be posting a little tutorial on how I designed one that packs up into a small bag for under $10 soon. Simple to make....
Mike Demana