Forum > Fantasy Adventures

Havoc skirmish rules


Fates Fickle Finger:
I have just purchased the Havoc rules they read very well, could anyone point me in the direction of a reference sheet?

Thanks in advance

No reference sheet that I can find though you might try Voodooink for ideas on his website... There is an appendix where all the useful stuff sits but that is one of the down sides of the format he has chosen  :-[


--- Quote from: Fates Fickle Finger on May 12, 2013, 06:52:56 PM ---I have just purchased the Havoc rules they read very well, could anyone point me in the direction of a reference sheet?
Thanks in advance
--- End quote ---

As sukhe_bator said, the appendix has pretty much every rule and modifier that you need in one convenient location. If you bought the print copy, then you don't have The One List quick reference sheet that comes with the download version. If you send me a PM with your email address, then I can send you a copy.

Glad you're liking the rules, and I look forward to hearing about your games.


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