This is the last battle in this campaign, the final Ork assault on the human city. Marines will have to hold the spaceport as long as they can and allow the civilians to escape. Orks will have to... just act Orky.

Our GM designed some crazy rules. Orks had a Gargant to provide ordnance during the game. At the end of each Ork turn, the Gargant opens fire. Buuuut... Ork comm systems don't work as well as Greenskins would like, so heavy interferences make it possible that the shot doesn't aim at the designed target...
The Game Master would set the artillery template blindly, following indications from
both players. Yup, both Ork and Imperial players begun to shout '
Right, right -left, left! Not so much!' and so for 5 secs. The GM did whatever he heard -or more likely whatever he wanted, as it was absolutely impossible to follow any instructions amongst that cacophony.
Advice: this activity is not reccomended for shy players, freshly newcomers to a gaming group, people aware of what the neighbours will think or in general any grown-up people. Thanks Gork and Mork that wasn't our case

Ork technology proved to be quite messy. During a teleportation action, an Ork squad suffered the Warp risks and one of them was possessed by a demon!

We had some fun moments, the most memorable was when the Ork Buggy made a 'die hard' ram attack on the Space Marine Land Speeder.

Well, it was totally great, I always recommend playing RT, not the current game. More fun, more story, more soul.
The whole report is here:'s see if I now dare to go on 2nd Ed (that's the farthest Edition I plan to play)