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Author Topic: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)  (Read 32363 times)

Offline Mason

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Love the new additions.
Very innovative and will set the scene nicely.


Offline von Lucky

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Nice additions - particularly nice work on the cat toy (which I recognised). Does it still work?

Because shooting laser beams into your opponents' face is what the genre is all about.
- Karsten

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Offline Michka

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Thank you Jimbibbly, Machinegunkelly, Mason and Von Lucky. I'm pretty excited to finally see what it all looks like when it's all together. I'm also looking forward to seeing what my fellow GMs Mike and Pat come up with for their city scenes. 

This is a reply that you not going to like.  ;) The reason it won´t fit is because it is to big compared to your other Buildings. You need to make buildings that "dwarf" it.
It should be old and small, but somehow managed not to be razed down. A bit like those 17th Century houses that remains today, lodged in between glass giants.  :)

Actually, I think you have a good point. There isn't much I can do about it right now, but since I plan to continue this project past Rock-Con I have something to work with. I'll probably end up replacing it with a smaller old building for future games. Fortunately I made the surface details removable, so it is still usable in modern and pulp games. Thank you for your honesty.

Offline Michka

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I have pictures from this year's B-Movie game at Rock-Con. These are not all the shots from the game, nor is this a decent Battle Report. This year's B-movie was run by three GMs on six different boards. There were twenty players, broken up into four criminal gangs. The gangs were dressed up for Halloween night. They were Alice and the Wonderland Gang, Snow White and the Four Dwarves, Ali Baba and the Four Thieves, and the Robot Gang. The major complication of the night was the Dirty Pair (a classic anime duo, renowned for their destructive tendencies) who were also in town, chasing a suspicious robot. Wherever the Dirty Pair go, things tend to explode. This makes it difficult to pull off crimes, but that wasn't stopping the gangs. To tell the truth I'm not sure I can remember what all happened during the game. These are just some pictures of the terrain I've been working on for so many months. I hope Mike can post a more concise battle report of his own, along with pictures of his own magnificent terrain. Here goes...

This last shot is from the last moment of the game. All the criminal gangs were on one board (mine) surrounded by every police unit we three GMs had on hand. In the end only one gang could escape with all their loot.


Offline von Lucky

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #109 on: October 28, 2013, 02:29:52 AM »
Beautifu action photos - I think all your hard work has paid off.

Offline Ironworker

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #110 on: October 28, 2013, 02:30:05 AM »
Great pics and great terrain!  Quite and inspiration.  :-*

Offline hubbabubba

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #111 on: October 28, 2013, 06:40:38 AM »
Fantastic looking boards.

The buildings look great. :-* :-* :-*

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #112 on: October 28, 2013, 06:44:13 AM »
I spy a Patlabor  :D



Offline Michka

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #113 on: October 28, 2013, 02:24:12 PM »
I spy a Patlabor  :D



You do indeed. If you look down in the lower left corner you might see Bonaparte too.  :)

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #114 on: October 28, 2013, 03:30:30 PM »
You do indeed. If you look down in the lower left corner you might see Bonaparte too.  :)

Aha! I certainly do  8)



Offline mpennock

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #115 on: October 29, 2013, 03:26:30 AM »
Nice additions - particularly nice work on the cat toy (which I recognised). Does it still work?

Because shooting laser beams into your opponents' face is what the genre is all about.

Oh, yes; it still works. It was turned on several times during the game to the amusement of players and passers-by.

Offline twrchtrwyth

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (2 finished buildings 9/6)
« Reply #116 on: November 04, 2013, 02:04:18 PM »
Here are some WIP shots of my first ground pieces that go on either side of the road. I just finished putting together two of the four this morning. I'm not even sure if the glue is dry. Here goes.

Tops of the two boards...

one of the boards turned upside down. At the front of this one you can see the half inch lip that will overlap the road section. It's grey.

and finally a picture of the two boards against the road section.

If I can get the other two boards done in the next two days I can once again focus on making buildings. Or painting citizens. Or modifying vehicles.
Would someone shut that damn clock up? 
Tick, Tick, Tick...
How did you make them?
He that trades Liberty for Security will soon find that he has neither.

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Offline Michka

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #117 on: November 04, 2013, 03:28:35 PM »
How did you make them?

The ground pieces are made out of sign plastic that Mike's wife Antina found. These pieces of sign plastic have become precious as I work with them, and I fear the day I run out of my supply. There was some begging involved when I had to get that last piece. See, Mike uses them too. :)

The road sections, which are 36" long by 12" wide, are only one layer tall. The concrete sides are two layers tall, with a 1/2" lip that overlaps the road piece. I cut the side piece tops 36" long by 12 1/2" wide. A grid was scored at 4" intervals, to which I added a bunch of cracks to the surface to add character. (I used an Xacto knife, followed by a dull sculpting knife to score the grid and the cracks.) The bottom layer of the sides was mostly built from scrap pieces of sign plastic. The outer edges of the bottom layer were cut from some old 18" pieces left over from another project that was damaged by a basement flood. I'm not about to let go of useful sign plastic.

I hope that answers the question.   

Offline twrchtrwyth

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #118 on: November 04, 2013, 04:28:05 PM »
Yes, thanks. Great project.

Offline Michka

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Re: Michka's Cyberpunk/Blade Runner terrain (B-Movie at Rock Con 2013, 10-27)
« Reply #119 on: November 21, 2013, 04:19:51 PM »
I'm allowed to tangent on my own thread, aren't I?  ;)

There's a Kickstarter for the Bubblegum Crisis Blu-Ray going on now. Only a few more days to go. I only mention it here because Bubblegum Crisis is mentioned a couple times on this thread. Specifically, when I posted photos of the old Boomer minis.


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