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Author Topic: Played my first game of IHMN...  (Read 3901 times)

Offline The_Beast

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Played my first game of IHMN...
« on: July 21, 2013, 08:55:57 PM »
...and it's not the VSF game of my dreams. Heck of a lot of modifiers, some fiddly bits needing some defining, both of which tends towards smaller games.

Craig will scold me, I know.

However, the seeming complexity is of the 'once you get into, not so bad' nature. By the fourth turn, from whence we called it, we were moving along pretty well, though still verbally adding up the steps for each combat. I would tend to call it a 'small skirmish' game, but, as such, allows rich characterizations.

For me, not perfect, but a game I shall play again, as regularly as I can.

G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. has nothing to fear in my case, also; probably play again for slightly less 'close and personal' gaming.

Will say, I ran my Tong against some hand-rolled, and age and treachery WILL beat out youth and daring. The others were going hammer-and-tongs ( lol ) while, under the beneficent eye of the German constabulary, my lads were quietly, and with some hesitation, dutifully delivering the laundry, which seemed  to be taking them surprisingly close to the objective. With their short shooty, there were obviously more important targets. As this was a learning table, we weren't watching score, but in the end, I was declared victor.

I fear Captain Krause will demand greater shares of opium, er, laundry receipts. ;->=

(Tis a bit of a shame; Krause's master actually painted my Tong, supplying a proxy for the game for as yet unfinished Dragon Lady. To be beat by your own labours of art...)

Thanks, Bill! Took the 'army' into work and everyone loves 'em.



Offline Dewbakuk

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 09:53:42 PM »
It is definately a 'small skirmish' game in it's current form. I'm intending to try a couple of mods I've been considering that may allow it to 'step up' a notch into a platoon size.

I've noticed the 'complexity' issue in almost every game I've ran for people. To start with you get confused faces and the 'but why...?' questions, to which the only real reply is, just go with it for the moment.  ;)
As you say though, by turn 3-4 (and turns are fairly quick) they can pretty much play by themselves with just the occasional question aimed my way. So far everyone that's played a demo has been enthusiastic about it too, which I'm sure Craig is happy about  :)
So many projects..... so little time.......

Offline Conquistador

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 12:10:18 AM »

I shouldn't give away my Valor & Steel & Flesh rules now?   ;)   lol   Just use them for (much) larger battles?   8)


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Offline Craig

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 06:16:59 AM »
...and it's not the VSF game of my dreams. Heck of a lot of modifiers, some fiddly bits needing some defining, both of which tends towards smaller games.

Craig will scold me, I know.

And why, pray, would I scold you? All feedback is valuable and I thank you for it. Anyway you do go on to say:

However, the seeming complexity is of the 'once you get into, not so bad' nature. By the fourth turn, from whence we called it, we were moving along pretty well, though still verbally adding up the steps for each combat. I would tend to call it a 'small skirmish' game, but, as such, allows rich characterizations.

My sincerest contrafibularities
General Lord Craig Arthur Wellesey Cartmell (ret'd)

Offline The_Beast

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2013, 02:00:05 PM »
And why, pray, would I scold you? All feedback is valuable and I thank you for it. Anyway you do go on to say:


I knew you wouldn't, really, but sometimes my tongue is so fully thrust into my cheek, I threaten to sever it with the very next word.


Edit: Also, to be fair, four players. Not necessarily the way-to-go, but it was 'learning'. In the case of my Tong, a very good thing for others to beat on each other while I cross open spaces.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 06:02:30 PM by The_Beast »

Offline Mr. Peabody

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2013, 06:59:21 PM »
Beast, I think you sum it up honestly and rather well.
No game is perfect, and IHMN is not going to work with multiple squads of minis on the table. But we do love it for it's rich flavour, the value placed on every figure in play and all the other things it does do right.

Our group likes a three player game just fine, but do find that a game with four at the table can run a bit long unless we keep the dramatic additional details and plot devices to a minimum.
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Offline VSF Gamer

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2013, 07:00:56 PM »
As another of the players I ran an Explorers Club from the book. The big game hunter tried to plug the yeti and did suceed in hitting him, but not much more. Luckly the Big Game Hunter was on a rooftop across the board out of range of those massive claws. I enjoyed the game and look forward to tweeking the lads of the Explorers Club. Also plan on a company for Nemo as well as a company of Hinderland Ladies. On another note, what is a suggested number of points for say 4 people to play? We had approximately 300 points each and I'm thinking that would be better suited for 2 people.

Offline Craig

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2013, 07:09:19 PM »
For four people 200 points should be more than sufficient. But it really depends on how long you have and how much alcohol is available  lol

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2013, 07:54:15 PM »
For four people 200 points should be more than sufficient. But it really depends on how long you have and how much alcohol is available  lol

We shall give that a try next time I think!

Offline steharan

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2013, 11:13:19 PM »
I agree  that the multipliers can get a  little confusing sometimes.  Also as its d10  based I'm having to rethink things constantly. However I do have a friend who understands statistics and probabilities better than me and he loves to go on about bell curves and other more esoteric stuff, and he much prefers d10  based games for their probabilities!
I  do think this game gets one thing right that not a  lot off others do and that is the " if you don't like it change it"  or " add  your own rules"  ethos.  Warlord tried it with  Hail Caesar et al  and they still had to bring out supplements because people wanted their hands holding.
 I'm happy. it sets the groundwork for a world that I  can explore with my own mind. o_o

Offline Commander Carnage

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2013, 02:28:04 AM »
Doug, I'm glad the folks at work liked them. I enjoyed the game and am looking forward to playing again. Keep in mind Krause always has the long view of things in mind.
"Just don't roll a one!"

Offline The_Beast

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Re: Played my first game of IHMN...
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2013, 06:36:42 PM »
Beast, I think you sum it up honestly and rather well.

Well, that's got to be a first!  lol


As another of the players I ran an Explorers Club from the book. The big game hunter tried to plug the yeti and did suceed in hitting him, but not much more. Luckly the Big Game Hunter was on a rooftop across the board out of range of those massive claws. I enjoyed the game and look forward to tweeking the lads of the Explorers Club. Also plan on a company for Nemo as well as a company of Hinderland Ladies. On another note, what is a suggested number of points for say 4 people to play? We had approximately 300 points each and I'm thinking that would be better suited for 2 people.

Sorry, Bro'! Didn't notice it was in the book. You've been spinning ideas out so fast, I assumed it was wholly yours.  ;)

And, would have been an awesome kill if you'd made it; I would have wept large tears for my 'wee bairn'.



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