My name is Michael.
I am 39, married and have a 4 year old daughter who likes to play World of Tanks and when she is older she wants to play 'daddy' games on the Xbox with me.
She likes Daleks and Doctor Who.
Plus she likes Peppa Pig, Pocoyo and Humf, but then don't we all!
I live in Bristol, UK.
I started gaming thanks to GW back in the day when they were independent.
Starting with WFB and 40k and then went on to Adeptus Titanicus, Space Marine and all that jazz.
I used to work in 'Dungeons and Starships' in Walsall and Birmingham when they were around.
I used to roleplay, I don't any more.
In my spare time I run Angel Barracks, a 6mm sci-fi website.
I also sell paints and all sorts of dice too.
My favourite meat is lamb, I drink green tea and black coffee and like custard creams and flaming hot monster munch.
I am currently enjoying Defiance on the telly box and on the Xbox.