Forum > Adventures in the Far East

Samurai Miniatures Size Comparison Help

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Hi, I was wondering if any one could help with some miniature scale photos of different types of 28mm - 30mm Samurai together , things like Perry miniatures Samurai, War games Factory Samurai, Zenit miniatures Kensei Samurai range, GCT studios Bushido miniatures Samurai.

I was wondering if some of these miniatures can mix well on the table, or that their sizes are to different. I was manly looking at Perry Miniatures, War Games Factory and Zenit miniatures Kensei Samurai range.

Thanks for any help 

I don't have all that you are looking for, but here is Old Glory, Perry, and TAG

TAG, Perry. Old Gory (converted), TAG

Thanks joekano, I didn't think of the TAG miniatures, they seem a good match to Perry miniatures.
Old Glory as well, seem in the right scale range.

The TAG figures are chunkier than Perry, but can be mixed if you're careful (though they are different eras, so I only mix the monks and civilians. OG are between the two in chunkiness, but not quite as well sculpted (though not bad for rank and file).


Thanks joekano (Chris), gives me a little more to check out.


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