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Author Topic: Orderlies WIP.....The Asylum : M.o.O.S.(E). 1975 ...The Figures... (UD:19/01)  (Read 21906 times)

Offline Mason

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:24/08 :Ambulance)
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2013, 12:50:15 PM »
Ooh,nice work mate :-* And I think I have just the stuff for you too ;)

Cheers, mate!
We shall have to have a little swap then, wont we?

Lots of great stuff here Mason!

Thanks, aggro!
A small side-project that I have a feeling is going to get bigger than first intended.
Just like the earlier branch of M.O.O.S.(E)........ ::)

Offline Brummie Thug

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:24/08 :Ambulance)
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2013, 02:56:35 PM »
That ambulance looks great. Mine still all look shiny diecast new. I'll have to have a look into weathering them etc.

Offline Bullock

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:24/08 :Ambulance)
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2013, 09:23:52 AM »
Okay as I'm now officially on holiday proper I've finally got round to reading everything.


I shall be on a secret mission in Dorset for the next 8 days but when I return will be concentrating my efforts on this little gem of a project.

See you on the other side!

Bullock :)

Offline Elk101

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:24/08 :Ambulance)
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2013, 09:40:41 AM »
I saw a whole load of these vehicles and others at a car boot sale a few days ago. All the packaging was in Russian. I didn't buy any as the guy was being a bit awkward and I didn't want to accidentally start a new project! I love the taxi though.

Offline Diplomatist

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:24/08 :Ambulance)
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2013, 09:40:52 AM »
A small side-project that I have a feeling is going to get bigger than first intended.
Just like the earlier branch of M.O.O.S.(E)........ ::)

I look forward to the next 130 pages of goodness then  lol

Offline Mason

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2013, 03:56:40 PM »
I shall be on a secret mission in Dorset for the next 8 days but when I return will be concentrating my efforts on this little gem of a project.

See you on the other side!

The other side of what?

Only kidding, mate.
Enjoy the holiday and, at least, order yourself some Agents so they are waiting for you when you get back.

Then you only have to worry about getting around to painting them.

I saw a whole load of these vehicles and others at a car boot sale a few days ago. All the packaging was in Russian. I didn't buy any as the guy was being a bit awkward and I didn't want to accidentally start a new project! I love the taxi though.

You resistance was strong, I see.
You must have something wrong with you.
See the doctor at once!

I look forward to the next 130 pages of goodness then  lol

Oh, I dont think so, sir.

One more of the vehicles has received its 'dirty coat'...

The Delivery Van.

I have been informed that it is some form of food delivery vehicle, but am not sure.
If there are any Russian -speakers out there who can tell me what it actually says on there, it would be much appreciated.

I do think it works perfectly for the 'Stan, located on the Soviet/Chinese border.

What do you reckon....?

Offline superflytnt

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2013, 04:39:03 PM »
I both love you and hate you, and the hate stems from seething, white hot jealousy.  lol

Damn, is that van incredible. I mean, I'm not shocked because I have yet to see anything you've had a hand in turn out anything but awe-inspiring, but you really did that van up nicely.

I am also glad to hear tell of that Son Of A Hugh Jarse being brought into battle. The good guys don't stand a chance! Especially from behind!
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Offline Brummie Thug

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2013, 04:48:16 PM »
The van grunged up looks the business Mason! I have one of dem as well :D To scared to touch mine they are really to nice.

Offline uti long smile

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2013, 05:23:33 PM »
That's rather lovely :)
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Offline Elk101

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2013, 06:15:38 PM »
The good thing about this set up is it would make a great Strange Aeons setting too. You get twice the value (this is how I justify things in my head!). Loving the van Paul. Food delivery you say? It looks a bit like they have a carpet to me? Perhaps there's more to this catering company than meets the eye!
« Last Edit: August 28, 2013, 06:18:01 PM by Elk101 »

Offline Daeothar

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2013, 10:23:18 PM »
Ahah! So this is this Spyfi project you've been going on about!  :D

As usual with your projects Paul, there's excellence all around. I love the work on the vehicles (that delivery truck look suspiciously like a carpeter's though, unless those kids are flaunting the world's biggest licorice roll  lol ) and the miniatures are equally great. I'm liking the professor type best so far.

So; when will you be adding that airpower?  ;)
Miniatures you say? Well I too, like to live dangerously...
Find a Way, or make one!

Offline Mason

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2013, 11:33:10 PM »
I am also glad to hear tell of that Son Of A Hugh Jarse being brought into battle. The good guys don't stand a chance! Especially from behind!

Thanks for the comments, Pete, much appreciated.
I also thought that you would like to see the return of Dr Jarse (well, his grandson, anyway...) bearing in mind your man-crush on his predecessor.
 :D ;)

The van grunged up looks the business Mason! I have one of dem as well :D To scared to touch mine they are really to nice.

Give it a go with the Modelmates stuff, it cant go wrong.
That and a little drybrushing is all I use.

That's rather lovely :)

Thank you, sir!

The good thing about this set up is it would make a great Strange Aeons setting too. You get twice the value (this is how I justify things in my head!).

It certainly would, and I shall be using the SA rules too.
I like to get as much use out of everything, so cross-purposing is very much the order of the day when it comes to gaming.

Ahah! So this is this Spyfi project you've been going on about!  :D

So; when will you be adding that airpower?  ;)

It is indeed, mate.
As for the airpower, I think you will have to wait a while to see what I am doing with that baby, as Blackwolf has sent me something rather interesting that I may well utilise in THAT direction.

Food delivery you say? It looks a bit like they have a carpet to me? Perhaps there's more to this catering company than meets the eye!

that delivery truck look suspiciously like a carpeter's though, unless those kids are flaunting the world's biggest licorice roll  lol )

Food delivery is what I was told, but really could not decide what was being portrayed on the side of the van.
Going by the various comments, it seems that everyone else knew what it was....or did they?

I asked in Open Talk for a Russian translation and the Prof kindly offered this:

It's an advertisement and it says "great choice of textiles", Paul.

So thanks to the Prof, that has been settled.

Rolls of fabric.

Similar to carpet.....and liquorice....and spring rolls too, I reckon.... ::)

Thanks for all the comments, fellas.

Next up is a Police Car....

Offline Elk101

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2013, 07:28:38 AM »

It certainly would, and I shall be using the SA rules too.
I like to get as much use out of everything, so cross-purposing is very much the order of the day when it comes to gaming.

Food delivery is what I was told, but really could not decide what was being portrayed on the side of the van.
Going by the various comments, it seems that everyone else knew what it was....or did they?

I asked in Open Talk for a Russian translation and the Prof kindly offered this:

So thanks to the Prof, that has been settled.

Rolls of fabric.

Similar to carpet.....and liquorice....and spring rolls too, I reckon.... ::)

My take exactly on gaming periods, get as much use out of stuff as possible. That's why I think Strange Aeons might be good as I can roll it out across a lot of the periods I already have. I should hopefully know if  I like it by November!

The carpet was just a lucky guess! The van looks the part though. I must investigate the Modelmates stuff. Any particular ones more useful than most?

Offline Mason

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2013, 10:28:27 AM »
My take exactly on gaming periods, get as much use out of stuff as possible. That's why I think Strange Aeons might be good as I can roll it out across a lot of the periods I already have. I should hopefully know if  I like it by November!

The Strange Aeons rules are very versatile too, as I have already said, I shall be using them for this setting but I intend utilising them for Star Wars skirmish soon as well.

The van looks the part though. I must investigate the Modelmates stuff. Any particular ones more useful than most?

I only bought two bottles at Salute last year: Mud and Soot.
The Soot is infinitely more useful.
I use the Mud to create a little variance in the colour.

Really easy to use too: Just brush it on, wait to dry and then dab at it with a damp cotton bud or rolled up piece of kitchen towel until you are happy with the result.

A little bit of drybrushing an earthy colour where mud would build up and you are done.


Offline Elk101

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Re: M.o.O.S.(E). 1975: (UD:28/08 :Delivery Van)
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2013, 10:35:51 AM »
Thanks, I think I'll get some Modelmates and experiment.

It's a shame it's so long until I get to play Strange Aeons  :(


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