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Author Topic: My 15mm Traveller Project  (Read 1081 times)

Offline geoffb

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  • Posts: 139
    • hamandjam.co.uk
My 15mm Traveller Project
« on: September 17, 2013, 10:52:15 AM »

I thought I'd start a thread to log my progress on some 15mm Figures, Vehicles and Terrain for a Traveller Campaign that I'm planning. It will probably take a while between my other projects but thought it would be fun to do.
To kick off I'll state my intentions and scope

1. To use 15mm as scale for figures and terrain.
2. To also have spaceships in something a lot smaller.
3. Everything is aimed at being of maximum reuse in a Traveller RPG game

To kick this off I started getting some mini's at Colours last weekend.
GZG provided my starting point.
I picked up what will be used as an ATV, an Air/Raft a small halftracked buggy and about 5 packs of figures to use as characters and NPC's.
The long term plan is to build a 15mm spaceship (100 Tons) and get as wide a variety of figures vehicles and buildings to use as props.
Anyway I shall put up some photo's as I paint and assemble everything.

I came, I saw, I went home again..


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