Which Vallejo colours did you use on the uniforms ?
Trousers are all the same...a base coat of Brown Sand highlighted up with Iraqi Sand
Tunics all begin with a base coat of Khaki Grey but within this group that base coat is highlighted up with the following:
Khaki Grey + Beige
Khaki Grey + Light Grey
Khaki Grey + Pale Sand
Khaki Grey + Dark Sand
Khaki Grey + Iraqui Sand
Khaki Grey + Off White
Puttees and leather equipment: Gray Green highlighted up with Off White
Sun helmets: Desert Yellow washed with a mid brown ink then Dark Sand with a Pale Sand highlight.
The officer in the White Sahariana tunic begins with FOUNDRY Boneyard B, then Boneyard C and a final highlight of Vallejo Off White. His trousers are Grey Green highlighted up with Off White.