This is scenario #8 in our Perilous Island campaign.This scenario is designed as a two-player (only) scenario and plays extremely fast. With so many perils and brawls jammed in such a short time, it was like watching a thrilling serial. The following pics were snapped while they played, so please forgive the poor lighting and focus in some of the photos…
The densely packed jungle trees eclipse the sun, cloaking the jungle floor in perpetual night. Creeping, entangling vines grasp at your boots, seemingly with a life of their own. Oversized insects buzz and dart amongst flowers and leaves. Before your eyes, a beautiful flower slams closed on one of the insects, crushing its life and draining its essence.
A sharp hooting call echoes ahead as you spy shadowy movement in the undergrowth. Another sharp hoot is followed by another and yet another, each from a different direction. The game has only just begun...
Young Natives (Plot Points) — The young natives are more interested in toying with the leagues than open combat. They are also very adept at the art of misdirection and escaping through the dense jungle. If you can run them down and hold on to one long enough you can earn the prize…

Badonka has a young warrior trapped between herself and her great cat, Kisa. Then, in the blink of an eye, the native disappears into the thick jungle. “Where did he go?”…

“How did he get behind me?”…

Tuppy spots a native crouching in the thick undergrowth, and Pulp Girl wastes no time in leaping in after him. “I’ve got him!”

She can’t hold on and the young native slips away, “Well, I had him…”

Badonka dives for the native, but he’s already gone – just a shadow dancing through the jungle…

“He’s over here!” Mak shouts…

Nearly crushed, Jason leaps back as the ladder topples over, but Kisa bounds up the cliff…

On the trail ahead, a young native warrior stops long enough to taunt Badonka. He motions for her to follow, but then disappears again…

Pulp Girl laughs at the crudely obvious spiked pit, “Who’d be stupid enough to fall in that?” and suddenly finds herself caught in a snare trap! …

Mike and Tuppy corner a native just long enough to learn that their spears aren’t merely for decoration. Mike is knocked down and Tuppy is ko’d…

Excitedly, Bowler shouts, “I got him! I got him! And he’s Chinese. And he’s… a lady…”

Surrounded at last, there will be no escape for the native this time. Badonka approaches cautiously, wary of trickery…

Meanwhile, Pulp Girl and her colleagues have completely lost the native they were following…

Wherever could he be?...

Mak finds a small nook and investigates, “This looks promising…”

Luring the native closer by pretending not to notice him, Pulp Girl spins at the last second and tackles the young warrior to the ground. “Now give me the missing pages!”…

Pulp Girl finally manages to find her first Lost Page. But Badonka was also rewarded with a Lost Page by returning some mysterious remains to the village chief. With the additional information, Badonka and her crew make secret plans to leave for the island’s interior.
...although mischievous, the young Natives meant no serious harm, only wishing to prove their worth as jungle warriors. A strong proud lad sports a pair of eyeglasses wrapped oddly in his bone and twine necklace. The lens cracked but clear, showing little signs of age, they must have belonged to a member of the Darrow Expedition! Your search lies ahead, ever deeper into the heart of Perilous Island.
Don’t miss the next amazing chapter!
On this forum next week!