Hello, here is what I have built for fallout. I run combat zone by EM-4 in a Fallout setting.
From left to right, Sarah Lyons, Wasteland Medic, Super-Mutant, wastelander, tribal, enclave soldier. The tribal is from the wargames factory 'post-apocalyptic survivors: the women' set with a bow from the warames factory Orc set. In the background is a scratch built shack based upon the game.
a patrol protected by Sarah Lyons is attacked by tribals. The road is scratch built, while the factory remains are from the Baggage train.
The combat from a different angle.
The combat from yet another angle.
a few images of my wasteland terrain
Talon Company mercs advancing down the road
my Fallout diorama
I am currently building a tribal warband inspired by the fan-made film 'Fallout:Lanius' and I hope to post some photos of them soon.