Over the last two weekends I got in a few games of Ronin - Skirmish Wargaming in the Age of the Samurai.
Reports of the games can be found on my blog:
http://saskminigamer.blogspot.ca/2013/11/ronin-skirmish-wargames-in-age-of.htmlhttp://saskminigamer.blogspot.ca/2013/12/more-ronin.htmlHere's a few pics of the games (more can be found on the blog):
The games we played last weekend were just with 100 points and bascially identical Bushi Buntai and invovled charging directly into close combat and getting dead fast...
The last game we played last weekend we mixed it up and played with some unarmoured samurai against a Koryu. Fast and bloody.
This weekend's games we played with 150 points on a slightly larger battlefield and involved a bit more shooting before closing and ultimately slaughtering each other.
"D'you think we should shoot into that mess...?"Fun times. Stay tuned for more!