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Author Topic: The PA Rules Reference Thread (original submissions)  (Read 4510 times)

Offline Wyrmalla

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The PA Rules Reference Thread (original submissions)
« on: December 28, 2013, 05:42:51 PM »

These submissions have now been copied over to the new sticky and as such extraneous posts have been removed, and this thread has been locked.


Steve 31/12/13

Is this what you're looking for? I had a go at working within the confines of the sections, though details on the games background and how a typical game is played could be included (however those may be unnecessary given that a link to the game's information page is provided that should give these, though a link to an example battle report is also a suggestion). A short paragraph could achieve this, but any pizazz like pictures and more depth are beyond me right now.  ;)

-Official Title: 7ombieTV
-Also known as: 7ZTV
-Publisher: Crooked Dice Game Design Studio
-Source: http://www.crooked-dice.co.uk/wp/rules/7ombietv/

-Format: Soft Cover rulebook and expansions, all of which are availble as paid .pdf. Additionally elements from the hardback 7Tv rulebook (of which 7ZTv is a stand alone expansion) can be freely implemented into games with little hassle *.

*Beyond the zombies and the inclusion of a scavenging mechanic, there are few major gameplay mechanic changes from the base 7Tv game.

-Target scale: 28mm.

-Dice used: D6.

- Other Devices used: Games include the use of two decks of cards. One represent special events (such zombies falling to bits or Survivors breaking down in fear), and are issued before the game to either player for their use throughout the game. The other are Scavenger Cards, and are randomly issued to the Survivor player whenever one of their models searches for items (including things like First Aid kits, Car Keys, and Miniature Flamethrowers).

-Number of players: Games are aimed at two players, one represent the Survivors, and the other the Zombies. It is possible to play by yourself, though not ideal. It my experience however that should there be more than two players, that one player plays as the zombies, whilst the others play as survivors or one of the other factions.

-Board size: 4x4 is the suggestion, though smaller or larger board sizes may be suitable for different sized games or scenarios.

-Environment: No specific rules for different weather types or temperatures are planned. As such the setting has little effect on the game's rules.

-Terrain: B Movie Zombie Horror films are the inspiration for the background material. As a result games can be set in any location that players think suit the setting. Scenarios available in the rulebooks are typically set in urban or forest settings, though special rules for specific areas are available through the main 7Tv On Location expansion.

-Vehicle movement: Not in the base game, though the 7TV rulebook has a section dedicated to vehicles (including generating custom ones) from civilian bikes to tanks and mech suits.

-Zombies/infected: Yes, of varying types somewhat inspired by the video game Left 4 Dead. Infection of survivors occurs only upon death and is decided upon a random dice role. With the For Ghouls and Colleges expansion they become optional due to the inclusion of other survivor and monster factions.

-Monsters/mutants: Not within the main book, though Ghouls are available as a faction via expansion, as are vampires planned as a playable side too. Furthermore 7Tv's Summer Special expansion is the primary source for rules for various types of monsters, though the others include some too.

-Campaign element: No, but campaign rules can be adapted from the 7TV Summer Special expansion.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 03:51:25 AM by Silent Invader »

Offline YPU

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2013, 09:25:20 PM »
Official Title Mutants and death ray guns
Publisher: Ganesha games
Format: paid PDF,
Source http://www.ganeshagames.net/product_info.php?products_id=39

PA specific variant on the Songs of blades and heroes rules. A stand alone book.

MaDRG is a post apocalyptic game on the wacky end of things. The different kind of units include anthropomorphic animals and very active mutant plants.

-Target scale: multi scale, books gives ranges for 15mm and 20/28mm models. Smaller and larger could work.

-Number of players 2+ Rules suggest card based varying turn order for multiple players but nothing beyond that.

-Board size 60x60cm for 15mm games and 90x90cm for 20/28mm games

-dice used: 3d6 is all you need.

-Environment and terrain No specific environment named, but the scenarios make use of lakes and river, ruins, radioactive wastelands and even an orchard.

-Vehicle movement:

-Zombies/infected One of the units available to players are “the wretched” which are “ zombie-like humans mutated by a terrible disease that turns them into living plague carriers” the rules suggest using zombie models for them. They can however still use firearms and other complex devices. Their disease detriments organics but does not turn them into zombies. There are no zombie “hazards”

-Monsters/mutants A large portion of the rules cover mutated humans, animals and plants with a variety of randomly generated powers and weaknesses.

-Campaign element: The rules are written with the idea that players roll up a war-band with random assets and go trough a campaign with this band. A game can be played in as 30 minutes so like the book says, you could play a small campaign in a evening. The random nature of the rules could make appropriate models hard to source or prepare beforehand.
The Ganesha games website has a warband builder program that allows you to calculate the point cost of a model without random generation and run one of games like more conventional games.

PS, there has been an expansion in the works for ages, which should include rules for actual zombies but ganesha games is known for its unpredictable release scheduled.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 09:27:33 PM by YPU »
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Offline Ramshackle_Curtis

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2013, 10:54:48 PM »
-Nuclear Renaissance and expansion the Tome of Tridlins
-Nuc Ren
-Ramshackle Games
-Soft Cover printed and free download pdf
-Post Apoc, with some vsf factions options.

-Target scale 28 or 30mm
-Minimum 2 players, no maximum, although 5 is a good top limit for a relatively quick game.
-Board size variable. 2' x 2' for 2 player. Can be any size really.
-Environment Mixed. Anything really, from desert to verdant bioengineered jungle to rad zones.
-Vehicle movement integral to game. Not necessary but works well and gives tactical options.
-Zombies/infected included in the expansion, the Tome of Tridlins.
-Monsters/mutants included in the expansion, the Tome of Tridlins.
-Campaign element included in the expansion, the Tome of Tridlins.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 10:57:47 PM by Ramshackle_Curtis »

Offline Diakon

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2013, 01:58:33 PM »
-Official Title Wastelands 3 Meltdown
-Published By Dicehead Gaming
-Format Free PDF
-PA specific
-Scale Any Scale
-Number Of Players Designed with solo play in mind but is good for 2+ player skirmishes. Also good to have a friend play as the randomly generated opponents in solo play.
-Board Size 3'x3' min board (my opinion) with no real max
-EnvironmentSuits any environment but no special rules as such
-TerrainSuits any terrain but no special rules as such. As with most skirmish games, the more terrain the better
-VehiclesExtensive vehicle rules
-Zombies/Infected No Zombies in rulebook but easy to stat them up yourself
-Monsters/Mutants Bestiary of mutated animals etc. and lists for Mutant gangs complete with extensive list of Mutations
-Campaign ElementExtremely campaign orientated.

Offline Silent Invader

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2013, 12:33:12 AM »
Thanks for that Diakon.  :)

I've run out of time today (Sunday) and so shall now do the thread admin tomorrow (Monday).

Carl of Grekwood Miniatures (LAFer Rovanite) has sent me the following entry for his set.  I intend to do a write-up for Scavenge Skirmish Survive tomorrow and I know that LAFer AKULA is also giving thought to an entry for his ruleset AR:SE.

-Official Title: Zombies & Survivors - A fast play ‘fun’ Zombie game providing you with the very basics to get started.
-Publisher: Grekwood Miniatures
-Format: Free PDF
-Source: http://www.grekwoodminiatures.co.uk/Rules.php
-Target Scale: 28mm but movement can easily be adapted.
-Dice: Mainly 1d20, but it also uses 1d6 and others (but not necessary)
-Number of players: 1 or more
-Board size: Anything from a 1' x 1' tower block, to a large table (of any size)
-Environment: Preferably town terrain, but anything really.
-Terrain: Urban areas with narrow streets for zombies to trap you! But again, anything you like as it can be adapted
-Vehicle movement: Briefly explained for a Car and Horse (If you include a horse as a vehicle...)
-Zombies/infected: Yes plenty of information about zombies! Infections are also explained briefly if playing a campaign game.
-Monsters/mutants: There are zombies, but no other mutants in these rules.
-Campaign element: Yes, it includes the information to play as a campaign.

As mentioned these are basic rules. They try to cover all the basics you need to get started.
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Offline Deathwing

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2013, 03:16:19 AM »
My humble offering.

Official Title:   This Is Not a Test (TNT)
Published By:   World’s End Publishing
Format PDF and Paper Rulebook options
Source:  http://worldsendpublishing.com/
PA specific
Scale:  28mm, but works in any scale
Dice Used:   D10 and the occasional D6
Number Of Players Geared for two person play, but works fine for multiple players
Board Size:  4 feet  by 4 feet recommended, but any size is fine
Environment:  Rules for environmental hazards
Technology:   Rules for primitive and modern weapons and equipment; includes Pre-Fall relics such as  power armor, lasers, etc.
Vehicles:  Not yet, but will be in future expansions
Zombies/Infected:  Rules for rad zombies, but not geared for Romero-type zombies
Monsters/Mutants:  Full rules for mutant warbands, mutations, and full wasteland bestiary
Campaign Element:  Five full scenarios with a strong focus on campaign play
Joseph McGuire, President/Janitor at World’s End Publishing; producer of the upcoming post-apocalypse skirmish warband game This Is Not a Test.



Offline Agis

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2013, 02:41:01 PM »
Official Title: Victory Decision - Future Combat - Also known as "ViDe FuCo"
Publisher: A.D.Publishing
Format (paid PDF)
Source You can get the 128 pages high quality, full colour ebook via the Wargame Vault:
http://www.wargamevault.com/product/123481/ for $ 12,74.

PA specific or adapted from another genre: (adapted)
Target scale 15-28mm , +/- ten to 30 figs plus some AFVs per side though more or less are possible
PLATOON/COMPANY SKIRMISH is also possible when using 15mm minis and more AFVs
Dice Used: D6 and rarely D10
Number of players 2-4
Board size 4x4 or 6x4
Environment (temperate/desert/winter/other)  No specific rules
Terrain (industrial/commercial/urban/rural/other) Full terrain rules and Buildings construction rules are included
-Vehicle movement (yes)
-Zombies/infected (yes)
-Monsters/mutants (no)
-Campaign element (no)

Future Combat is the latest game in the Victory Decision line. A lot of talk about the game and some polls already happened on the ViDe WWII forum here on LAF. Initially it started under project name “Planetfall”, but after Spartan Games announced a game under that name, I decide to rename it in Future Combat.

Short description
I added a lot of new stuff to the WW II and Gear Krieg rules. Best thing most of these rules can also be used in any of the other books! For a more in depth look into what is new, feel free to read the Design Notes (excerpt from the book-> http://www.adpublishing.de/html/fuco_design_notes.html).

Victory Decision: Future Combat is a comprehensive game system to using SF Infantry units and Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Victory Decision.
Included are rules for Zombies and a Low Tech army lists that is well suited for PA gaming.

These rules cover almost all aspects of Science Fiction wargaming, from Troop Quality and Leadership to Air Strikes, Bunker Assaults, Combat in Buildings, Vehicle and VTOL combat.

Victory Decision: Future Combat features a unique Leadership-modified alternate unit activation system with an integrated Electronic Warfare aspect. The result is a fun and fast paced war game that involves both players constantly. The rules cover individually based infantry miniatures and also group- or multibased miniatures, aka Infantry Stands. While designed with 20-28 mm miniatures in mind the Victory Decision game system is flexible enough to handle any miniatures from 6 mm to 32 mm. So whatever your existing miniature collection consists of, you can start playing right away.
This rulebook not only provides 8 generic Scenarios but also point based Force lists that can be used to represent many classic SF settings. All necessary Game Markers are also included within this book.

As with our previous books you get a full colour version with many high quality pictures of fully painted models and a mostly B&W printer friendly version.
cheers and keep on gaming, Agis - https://www.adpublishing.de

Offline Evilcartoonist

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The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2013, 08:49:33 PM »
Official Title: After the Horsemen
Publisher: Two Hour Wargames
Format: PDF and/or soft cover
Source: http://www.twohourwargames.com/afterhorsemen.html
Setting is PA specific
Target scale: Works with any scale, best with 15/28mm
Dice Used: D6
Number of players: 1-4, solitaire suitability is high; you can also play more than four without adding too much extra down time. Players can play against each other coop vs. NPCs run by the game mechanics.
Board size: 2-foot square and up. Some games could be played on smaller boards
Environment: Not defined, but the terrain generator within the rules give dense woods as an option, so perhaps “temperate” environment.
Terrain: All terrains
Vehicle movement: Some, but somewhat abstract; player moves from encounter to encounter via vehicle, and can encounter enemies riding in vehicles, but there don’t seem to be any driving/vehicle movement rules. Upcoming Machinas rules will add vehicle combat as an option.
Zombies/infected: None*
Monsters/mutants: None*
Campaign element: Yes

*Zombies and mutants can easily be added using stats from Two Hour Wargames’ other PA ruleset, “All Things Zombie,” which shares the same mechanics.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 08:52:37 PM by Evilcartoonist »

Offline Silent Invader

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Re: The PA Rules Reference Thread
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2013, 09:33:52 PM »
These submissions have now been copied over to the new sticky and as such extraneous posts have been removed, and this thread has been locked.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2013, 03:52:12 AM by Silent Invader »


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