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Author Topic: Would you play..  (Read 7604 times)

Offline TJSKI

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Would you play..
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:50:03 PM »

First time poster here, but was wondering about this, Would you play a Pirate game based on the WHH Legends of the Old West game if there was one?

Also what would you like to see in the book? I mean would you want it to include ship combat or just land combats?

What else is everyone using for there games??

Inquiring minds want to know...

"Leutant Kulinski, a rather inept commander"

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

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Would you play..
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 08:56:28 PM »
welcome aboard!  :)

Yes, i would and i would like to see land and ship combat

and i would really like to see some "fantasy" lists, undead pirates, some sea monsters, maybe cthulhuloid ones and so on...

apart from them would be absolutely great to see exotic pirates(african, chinese, pacific etc.)

Offline WitchfinderGeneral

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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 09:17:11 PM »
I wouldn't because the close combat system is a pain in a situation with multiple combatants and it isn't so cineastic and exciting as I'd expect for swashbuckling action (especially when you're fighting on a ship with all the rigging and very much possibilities for actions).

Ship to ship combat is very interesting topic, haven't found a solution for that yet.

Prof, for what do you need all those lists? The character profiles don't allow much variations. And of course you need for your crew a captain, some pirates and some youngsters - like you do in all GW skirmish systems.
The only thing you could need is a proper character construction system. But for GW games, this will always stay a dream.
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"Uh, I better look in the manual... This book must be out of date. I don't see "Prussia", "Siam" or "autogyro"...

Offline Ray Earle

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« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2006, 09:24:47 PM »
Definitely! I'm already a dyed in the wool LoTOW player. :)

I'd like to see rules for both land and sea actions!

"They say I killed six or seven men for snoring. It ain't true. I only killed one man for snoring."

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

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Would you play..
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2006, 09:24:50 PM »
Quote from: "WitchfinderGeneral"
Prof, for what do you need all those lists? The character profiles don't allow much variations.

Well, but you can give them special rules

There are lots of options to make them country-specific:
- weapons
- availability of the weapons (africans wouldn't have to much gun-powder ones)
- ships (very important!)
- composition of the crew
- discipline/moral
- close combat (esp.chinese)

and so on...

Offline Westfalia Chris

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Re: Would you play..
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2006, 09:25:03 PM »
Quote from: "TJSKI"

First time poster here, but was wondering about this, Would you play a Pirate game based on the WHH Legends of the Old West game if there was one?

Also what would you like to see in the book? I mean would you want it to include ship combat or just land combats?

What else is everyone using for there games??

Inquiring minds want to know...


Not wanting to be rude or anything, but I already have done such a rule set... ;) although it was only published in the Sweetwater Community, not here.

Offline TJSKI

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Would you play..
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2006, 10:56:27 PM »
Quote from: "WitchfinderGeneral"
I wouldn't because the close combat system is a pain in a situation with multiple combatants and it isn't so cineastic and exciting as I'd expect for swashbuckling action (especially when you're fighting on a ship with all the rigging and very much possibilities for actions).

I think it could be done, of course the LotOW system is geared aroung the gun, you would just need to make the sword a more imortant weapon.

Also fighting on the decks of a ship you could get the cinematic quality with swiging rules & jumping. The hardest part about it would be the deck size of most ship models that are out there. They are just to small to be really useable.

But thats just my two cents, I could be wrong...


Offline TJSKI

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Re: Would you play..
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2006, 10:58:02 PM »
Quote from: "Westfalia Chris"
Quote from: "TJSKI"

First time poster here, but was wondering about this, Would you play a Pirate game based on the WHH Legends of the Old West game if there was one?

Also what would you like to see in the book? I mean would you want it to include ship combat or just land combats?

What else is everyone using for there games??

Inquiring minds want to know...


Not wanting to be rude or anything, but I already have done such a rule set... ;) although it was only published in the Sweetwater Community, not here.

No didn't take it as rude or anything. Just wondering if many people are doing their own thing & if a game such as this would sell well.


Offline WitchfinderGeneral

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« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2006, 02:14:32 AM »
Good rules usually don't sell that amazing.
But that doesn't necessarily means your rules won't sell good.

If you have to build special rules all the way and make a lot of work arounds to get things running as they should it's maybe better to build something completely new from scratch.
I'm not a fan of Gurps or D20. Most of the time it makes sense to write specific rules for a certain background because they reflect the dynamics of the game. The LotR rules were good for LotR; they made it possible that even a small group of heroes can defeat a larger group of enemies. But the rules for Pirate (or even Wild West) games have a different goal in my opinion.

Offline warrenpeace

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pirate ships
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2006, 06:01:11 AM »
There is a Yahoo Group called "Pirate Wargames" where you can see some good pirate ships in the photo section and search archives for discussions of what people are using for ships.

There are several sources of resin pirate ships.  The resin ones tend to be expensive, tend to require a lot of work to finish and rig, and tend to be a bit on the small side for getting a lot of figures on the decks.  However, they look good when finished because the hulls are very nice, and they often come with impressive sets of guns.

Several pirate wargamers look for model ships that they can buy and waterline, either really cheap ones from discount stores or much more elaborate and expensive ones off of eBay.  Some of these have little deck room for figures, and work better a scenery pieces for the action, while others are much larger, and can support action on the decks.

Many pirate wargamers scratchbuild.  Those can really choose whether to build a smaller ship that acts as scenery for the action or a larger ship that has more room for figures and action on deck.

I buy the large toy pirate ships from Playmobil, because they're cheap, they have lots of deck room for figures, they are quick and easy to assemble, and they look good enough for me.  I've bought some of the Mega Bloks ships for the same reasons, but I have mixed feelings about them, and I need to deck over the Lego style bumps on the decks.

Warren B.
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Offline Driscoles

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« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2006, 08:27:39 AM »

I dont need that ! Especially not from WHH.

Dont get me wrong LOTOW is a nice game.But I played better Wild West games before LOTOW was published by Games Workshop and the only reason why it is so succesful is because the people like to look at nice pictures and "official" rules who come in big style. And thats all about it. The rules are nothing else as a mixture of Necromunda, Mordheim, WH and Lord of The Rings. When you know that kind of rules you can easily adopt your own rules for pirates, gangsters, high adventure or darkest africa like some Dude did on the Tanzanica webpage with the Mordheim rules.

And me ? I needed a pirate ruleset. Now I have one ( from the net for free) when I need a more detailed one I use my own rules and when i need a Pulpy one I will play Gloire !

, ,

Offline Prof.Witchheimer

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« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2006, 09:55:40 AM »
Björn, sure, there are some good rules out there. But how many people do play it? There is an huge advantage if the WHH would make a pirate game. We will get lots of the classical GW gamers to play it like LotW. And I would just like to see it, no matter what rules

Offline Driscoles

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« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2006, 10:56:57 AM »
Hi Prof.,

when I look at all those people in this Forum or Miniatures Page or for Germany the Sweetwater Forum I have the feeling that more and more people discover new rules. Or want to try out new rules.

A good example is .45 or Gloire. I dont think that Rich has a new Villa because of his new Rules although they are succesful but a lot of people playing them and the rules inspire people and the miniatures industry as well. Look at the Zombie Nazis for Example or the revival of the Gangster Miniatures.

And now GW comes and wants also a piece of the cake. I dont like this. I know its normal business behaviour for the large companies but it really sucks.

A GW pirate game based on the LOTOW would sure be a success and its maybe interesting for some people but honestly who needs it ? Why buying it ? Only because its in colour ! Or for collectors purpose ?

I know that GW has published some great games and delivered some really good ideas ( Warhammer THE GENERALS COMPENDIUM i.e.) and I like to play Epic. A good game.

But during the last years GW did nothing else as plundering other peoples ideas or areas of interests to increase there downgoing stock rate.

On page x of there introduction to the NEW Warhammer Rules they write that it is ok to play with unpainted figures. How cheap is that ?


Offline Operator5

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Would you play..
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2006, 11:13:29 AM »
The best thing about GW coming out with a Pirate ruleset will be the proliferation of new figure types as manufacturers try and latch onto any success it may have.

The industry as a whole could benefit simply from a marketing standpoint. GWs reach into many hobby shops means that more players will be exposed to Pirate gaming, this could lead to more people discovering Gloire and our Pirate supplement due out next year.

And as for my villa, well, I had to sell that in order to buy all those houses for all the Germans moving to Singapore.  :lol:
Richard A. Johnson
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Offline Argonor

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Would you play..
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2006, 11:20:38 AM »
Quote from: "Driscoles"

On page x of there introduction to the NEW Warhammer Rules they write that it is ok to play with unpainted figures. How cheap is that ?

Maybe because those 'beardy' (not to confuse with 'bearded', like myself)gamers who'll do anything to bend the rules in their favour, play with unpainted minis anyway, and are also the ones always buying the latest overpowered character or vehicle - which they wouldn't, if they could not get them on the table right away....? or maybe it's just to make people who does not have time to paint buy a lot of minis, too..?

I resent it, anyway....
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