It never ends.......
Whilst you are at it grab some Modelmates liquid weathering.
'Soot' is the best one, although I have 'Mud' as well, but drybrushing some brown paint does that job just as well.
Good tip, I've not tried this weathering liquid yet but was looking at some pictures of its application a while back. Shall add it to the "Salute list".
I like the results you have achieved on your vehicles, they look too much like toys straight out of the box, the magic gunk makes them look more believable.
Great stuff. Love that terrain. Very inspiring!
Thanks ImhotepMagi!
Introducing my Threshold Agents:

From left to right: Trick Muldoon, Simon Fench, Huevos Rancheros, Irene Murgatroyd.
(Character) Trick Muldoon: M 5/4, Dex 3+, Con 7/8, A 3, W 3, Res 2+
Tommy Gun, Cleaver, Knife, .45, Lucky Hat, Light Armoured Vest, Crackshot, Hatred: Night Gaunts
(Agent) Simon Fench: M 5, Dex 5+, Con 7, A 3, W 2, Res 4+
Civil War Sabre, Knife, .45, Parry
(Agent) Huevos Rancheros: M 5, Dex 3+, Con 7, A 2, W 2, Res 4+
2 x .45s, 2x .22s, Hollow points for .45, Knife, Cleaver, 2 Fisted
(Civilian) Irene Murgatroyd - as standard civ.
Record: Won 11, Lost 3. No casualties
Copplestone casts again, like many others before me. I'm a returning hobbyist and I think my painting has come on a little bit since I painted these figures (except Irene, she was more recent). When this group get killed/ retired I'm definitely going to hand pick a group from different ranges for the next team.
As far as their development, I always look at the skills and then the stat line and I more often than not just buff up their stats since they tend to have a huge impact on the game. I think the increased Con and Wounds are the reason I still have my original list with no casualties so far (I feel like I'm really asking for it now though!).
Trick is the long range killing machine, Tommygun and Crackshot make for a nice combination. Highlights for him include back peddling through a forest so that a Blasphemous Construct couldn't catch him whilst letting rip with the Tommygun until nothing but smoking Frankenstein boots remained. Just don't talk to him about Night Gaunts. Mr Fench spends most outings legging it as fast as possible into combat so he can poke things with his Sabre. He once salami sliced a formless thing in a single round of combat, double parry being a bit ridiculous. Huevos Rancheros exists to remind me of one of the best breakfasts I've ever had. My friend calls him "Good Hitler" because of the way I painted him. Irene is a newly rescued civilian who joined the agency but has not yet had any experience in the field (perhaps this weekend?).